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function _pages_restriction_get_cached_data in Pages Restriction Access 7

Get all the cached data.

Return value

array Array where the key is the id_session and the value is the next page.

2 calls to _pages_restriction_get_cached_data()
pages_restriction_page_alter in ./pages_restriction.module
Implements hook_page_alter().
_pages_restriction_restrict_access in includes/
Restriction rules feature for Pages Restriction.


includes/, line 21
Pages Restrictions cache related functions.


function _pages_restriction_get_cached_data() {
  $caches =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (empty($caches)) {

    // Retrieve all the cached data.
    $cache_raw = db_select('cache_pages_restriction', 'c')

    // Define array containing cached data.
    foreach ($cache_raw as $cache) {
      $caches[$cache['id_session']][$cache['restrict_rules']] = $cache['next_page_path'];
  return $caches;