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class PagererParameters in Pagerer 8.2

Provides extended pager information contained within the current request.


Expanded class hierarchy of PagererParameters

1 file declares its use of PagererParameters
PagererStyleBase.php in src/Plugin/pagerer/PagererStyleBase.php


src/PagererParameters.php, line 13


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class PagererParameters extends PagerParameters {

   * The character to use to separate items in the querystring parameter.
  const ITEM_SEPARATOR = '-';

   * The character to use to separate values in an item.
  const VALUE_SEPARATOR = '.';

   * Whether the URL querystring pager key is overridden.
   * @var bool
  protected $querystringOverride;

   * The URL querystring pager key ('page' by default, or the overriding one).
   * @var string
  protected $querystringKey;

   * The numbering base of the pages in the URL (zero or one).
   * @var int
  protected $base;

   * The 'pagerer items' parsed from the request's querystring.
   * The items are stored in an array indexed by the hash of the request. Each
   * request has two items:
   * - 'page' - the array of page indexes, zero based
   * - 'page_ak' - the array of adaptive keys arrays, zero based.
   * @var array
  protected $pagererItems;

   * Construct a PagererParameters object.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $stack
   *   The current HTTP request stack.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   The config factory.
  public function __construct(RequestStack $stack, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory) {
    $this->configFactory = $config_factory;
    $settings = $config_factory
    $this->querystringOverride = $settings
    $this->querystringKey = $this->querystringOverride ? $settings
      ->get('url_querystring.querystring_key') : 'page';
    $this->base = $this->querystringOverride ? $settings
      ->get('url_querystring.index_base') : 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getQueryParameters() {

    // Differs from core in the sense that also 'page_ak' and the overriding
    // querystring key (if configured) are removed.
    if ($request = $this->requestStack
      ->getCurrentRequest()) {
      $filter = [
      if ($this->querystringOverride) {
        $filter[] = $this->querystringKey;
      return UrlHelper::filterQueryParameters($request->query
        ->all(), $filter);
    return [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getPagerQuery() {

    // Differs from core in the sense that the array of pagers is taken from the
    // pre-parsed querystring stored in ::$pagererItems and not from the
    // querystring every time.
    return $this
      ->getPagererItem('page') ?? [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getPagerParameter() {

    // Differs from core in the sense that the string returned is the one
    // identified by the ::querystringKey if the URL is overridden.
    if ($request = $this->requestStack
      ->getCurrentRequest()) {
      if ($this->querystringOverride && $request->query
        ->has($this->querystringKey)) {
        return $request->query
      return $request->query
        ->get('page', '');
    return '';

   * Returns a Pagerer 'pager item'.
   * Parse the request and store its values in ::$pagererItems for later faster
   * access.
   * @param string $item_id
   *   The key in the ::$pagererItems array for the item to be returned.
   * @return mixed|null
   *   The 'pager item', or NULL if missing.
  protected function getPagererItem(string $item_id) {

    // We calculate an hash of the current request to cater for the case when
    // the querystring changes in different requests on the stack.
    $request = $this->requestStack
    $hash = hash('md5', (string) $request);
    if (!isset($this->pagererItems[$hash])) {
      if ($this->querystringOverride && $request->query
        ->has($this->querystringKey)) {

        // Overriden URL querystring exists.
          ->parsePagerer($hash, $request->query
      else {

        // No overriden URL querystring exists, try 'page' + 'page_ak'.
          ->parseLegacy($hash, $request->query
          ->get('page', ''), $request->query
          ->get('page_ak', ''));
    return $this->pagererItems[$hash][$item_id] ?? NULL;

   * Parses a Pagerer pager querystring.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The hash of the current request.
   * @param string $querystring
   *   The value of the querystring parameter identified by ::querystringKey.
  protected function parsePagerer(string $hash, string $querystring) {
    $items = explode(static::ITEM_SEPARATOR, $querystring);

    // Current pages.
    $tmp = explode(static::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $items[0]);
    foreach ($tmp as $pager_id => $page) {
      $this->pagererItems[$hash]['page'][$pager_id] = $this
        ->pageUrlValueToIndex((int) $page);

    // Current adaptive keys.
    if (isset($items[1]) && $items[1] === 'ak' && isset($items[2])) {
      $tmp = explode(static::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $items[2]);
      foreach ($tmp as $pager_id => $ak) {
        $tmp_0 = explode('_', $ak);
        $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][0] = !empty($tmp_0[0]) ? $this
          ->pageUrlValueToIndex((int) $tmp_0[0]) : NULL;
        $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][1] = isset($tmp_0[1]) ? $this
          ->pageUrlValueToIndex((int) $tmp_0[1]) : NULL;
        if (isset($tmp_0[2])) {
          $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][2] = $this
            ->pageUrlValueToIndex((int) $tmp_0[2]);

   * Parses a legacy pager querystring.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The hash of the current request.
   * @param string $page
   *   The value of the 'page' querystring parameter.
   * @param string $page_ak
   *   The value of the 'page_ak' querystring parameter.
  protected function parseLegacy(string $hash, string $page, string $page_ak) {

    // Current pages.
    if (!empty($page)) {
      $tmp = explode(',', $page);
      foreach ($tmp as $pager_id => $page) {
        $this->pagererItems[$hash]['page'][$pager_id] = (int) $page;

    // Current adaptive keys.
    if (!empty($page_ak)) {
      $tmp = explode(',', $page_ak);
      foreach ($tmp as $pager_id => $ak) {
        $tmp_0 = explode('.', $ak);
        $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][0] = !empty($tmp_0[0]) ? $tmp_0[0] : NULL;
        $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][1] = isset($tmp_0[1]) ? (int) $tmp_0[1] : NULL;
        if (isset($tmp_0[2])) {
          $this->pagererItems[$hash]['ak'][$pager_id][2] = (int) $tmp_0[2];

   * Returns a zero-based page index from the URL value.
   * @param int $value
   *   The value as exposed in the URL.
   * @return int
   *   The zero-based page index.
  protected function pageUrlValueToIndex(int $value) : int {
    return max(0, $value - $this->base);

   * Returns the current adaptive keys for a pager element.
   * @param int $pager_id
   *   (optional) An integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
   * @return array
   *   The adaptive keys array, in the format 'L,R,X', where L is the adaptive
   *   lock to left page, R is the adaptive lock to right page, and X is the
   *   adaptive center lock for calculation of neighborhood.
  public function findAdaptiveKeys(int $pager_id = 0) : array {
    return $this
      ->getPagererItem('ak')[$pager_id] ?? [];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PagererParameters::$base protected property The numbering base of the pages in the URL (zero or one).
PagererParameters::$pagererItems protected property The 'pagerer items' parsed from the request's querystring.
PagererParameters::$querystringKey protected property The URL querystring pager key ('page' by default, or the overriding one).
PagererParameters::$querystringOverride protected property Whether the URL querystring pager key is overridden.
PagererParameters::findAdaptiveKeys public function Returns the current adaptive keys for a pager element.
PagererParameters::getPagererItem protected function Returns a Pagerer 'pager item'.
PagererParameters::getPagerParameter public function Gets the 'page' query parameter for the current request. Overrides PagerParameters::getPagerParameter
PagererParameters::getPagerQuery public function Gets the request query parameter. Overrides PagerParameters::getPagerQuery
PagererParameters::getQueryParameters public function Gets all request URL query parameters that are unrelated to paging. Overrides PagerParameters::getQueryParameters
PagererParameters::ITEM_SEPARATOR constant The character to use to separate items in the querystring parameter.
PagererParameters::pageUrlValueToIndex protected function Returns a zero-based page index from the URL value.
PagererParameters::parseLegacy protected function Parses a legacy pager querystring.
PagererParameters::parsePagerer protected function Parses a Pagerer pager querystring.
PagererParameters::VALUE_SEPARATOR constant The character to use to separate values in an item.
PagererParameters::__construct public function Construct a PagererParameters object. Overrides PagerParameters::__construct
PagerParameters::$requestStack protected property The HTTP request stack.
PagerParameters::findPage public function Returns the current page being requested for display within a pager. Overrides PagerParametersInterface::findPage