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function page_title_help in Page Title 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 page_title.module \page_title_help()
  2. 5.2 page_title.module \page_title_help()
  3. 5 page_title.module \page_title_help()
  4. 6.2 page_title.module \page_title_help()
  5. 7.2 page_title.module \page_title_help()
  6. 7 page_title.module \page_title_help()

Implementation of hook_help().


./page_title.module, line 17
Enhanced control over the page title (in the head tag).


function page_title_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/help#page_title':
      $output = t('<p>Provides control over the &lt;title> element on a page using token patterns and an optional textfield to override the node title.</p>');
      $output .= t('<p>Below are all the tokens you can use with <strong><em>Page Title</em></strong>:</p>');
      $output .= theme('token_help');
    case 'admin/content/page_title':
      $output = t("<p>Drupal's default page title follows one of two patterns:</p>\n        <ol>\n          <li><strong>Default Page:</strong> <em>page title</em> | <em>site name</em></li>\n          <li><strong>Default Frontpage:</strong> <em>site name</em> | <em>site slogan</em></li>\n        </ol>\n        <p>The <strong>Page Title</strong> module lets you change these defaults in two ways. First, you can adjust the patterns below using the placeholders given. This will change the way the default page titles are created. Second, on every content creation form you can have the option of specifying a title that is different than the title of the node. If a value is provided, this will be used to generate the <code>[page-title]</code> placeholder. If left blank, <code>[page-title]</code> will inherit the node's title.</p>\n        <p><code>[page-title]</code> will default to the value returned from <code>drupal_get_title</code> if there is no overriden page title.</p>");
    case 'admin/content/page_title/types':
      $output = t("<p>To display a 'Page Title' field on a node (just below the 'Title' field), you will need to enable it for the appropriate content types below.</p>");
  return $output;