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PageManagerAdminTest.php in Page Manager 8.4


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namespace Drupal\Tests\page_manager_ui\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
use Drupal\page_manager\Entity\Page;

 * Tests the admin UI for page entities.
 * @group page_manager_ui
class PageManagerAdminTest extends WebDriverTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
      ->set('admin', 'classy')
      'administer pages',
      'access administration pages',
      'view the administration theme',

    // Remove the default node_view page to start with a clean UI.

   * Tests the Page Manager admin UI.
  public function testAdmin() {

   * Tests adding a page.
  protected function doTestAddPage() {
    $assert_session = $this
      ->pageTextContains('Add a new page.');

    // Add a new page without a label.
      ->clickLink('Add page');
      ->fillField('label', 'Foo');
      ->waitForText('Machine name: foo'));
    $edit = [
      'path' => 'admin/foo',
      'variant_plugin_id' => 'http_status_code',
      'use_admin_theme' => TRUE,
      'description' => 'This is our first test page.',
      // Go through all available steps (we skip them all in doTestSecondPage())
      'wizard_options[access]' => TRUE,
      'wizard_options[selection]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Next');

    // Test the 'Page access' step.
      ->assertTitle('Page access | Drupal');
    $access_path = 'admin/structure/page_manager/add/foo/access';
      ->assertUrl($access_path . '?js=nojs');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Next');

    // Test the 'Selection criteria' step.
      ->assertTitle('Selection criteria | Drupal');
    $selection_path = 'admin/structure/page_manager/add/foo/selection';
      ->assertUrl($selection_path . '?js=nojs');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Next');

    // Configure the variant.
    $edit = [
      'page_variant_label' => 'Status Code',
      'variant_settings[status_code]' => 200,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Finish');
      ->assertRaw(new FormattableMarkup('The page %label has been added.', [
      '%label' => 'Foo',

    // We've gone from the add wizard to the edit wizard.
      ->assertTitle('Foo | Drupal');

    // Change the status code to 403.
    $edit = [
      'variant_settings[status_code]' => 403,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Update and save');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function assertTitle($expected_title) {
    $actual_title = $this
      ->elementExists('css', 'title')
      ->assertSame($expected_title, $actual_title);

   * Tests the AJAX form for Selection Criteria.
  protected function doTestSelectionCriteriaWithAjax() {
    $page = $this
      ->selectFieldOption('conditions', 'user_role');
      ->pressButton('Add Condition');
      ->waitForText('Configure Required Context'));



Namesort descending Description
PageManagerAdminTest Tests the admin UI for page entities.