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function overlay_paths_init in Overlay Paths 7

Implements hook_init().

Determine whether the current page request is destined to appear in the parent window or in the overlay window, and format the page accordingly.

See also



./overlay_paths.module, line 64
The overlay paths module.


function overlay_paths_init() {
  global $user;
  $mode = overlay_get_mode();

  // Only act if the user has access to the overlay and a mode was not already
  // set. Other modules can also enable the overlay directly for other uses.
  $use_overlay = !isset($user->data['overlay']) || $user->data['overlay'];
  if (empty($mode) && user_access('access overlay') && $use_overlay) {
    $current_path = current_path();

    // After overlay is enabled on the modules page, redirect to
    // <front>#overlay=admin/modules to actually enable the overlay.
    if (isset($_SESSION['overlay_enable_redirect']) && $_SESSION['overlay_enable_redirect']) {
      drupal_goto('<front>', array(
        'fragment' => 'overlay=' . $current_path,
    if (isset($_GET['render']) && $_GET['render'] == 'overlay') {

      // redirect to the final destination.
      if (isset($_SESSION['overlay_close_dialog'])) {
        call_user_func_array('overlay_close_dialog', $_SESSION['overlay_close_dialog']);

      // If this page shouldn't be rendered here, redirect to the parent.
      if (!overlay_paths_is_overlay($current_path)) {
        overlay_close_dialog($current_path, array(
          'query' => drupal_get_query_parameters(NULL, array(

      // Indicate that we are viewing an overlay child page.

      // Unset the render parameter to avoid it being included in URLs on the page.
    elseif (!overlay_paths_is_overlay($current_path)) {

      // Otherwise add overlay parent code and our behavior.