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function organigrams_load_multiple in Organigrams 7

Load multiple organigrams based on certain conditions.

This function should be used whenever you need to load more than one organigram from the database. organigrams are loaded into memory and will not require database access if loaded again during the same page request.


array $oids: An array of organigrams IDs.

array $conditions: An associative array of conditions on the {organigrams} table, where the keys are the database fields and the values are the values those fields must have.

Return value

array An array of organigrams objects, keyed by oid.

3 calls to organigrams_load_multiple()
organigrams_get_organigrams in ./organigrams.module
Get a list of organigrams objects.
organigrams_load in ./organigrams.module
Get an organigrams object matching the organigrams ID.
organigrams_machine_name_load in ./organigrams.module
Get an organigrams object matching an organigrams machine name.


./organigrams.module, line 1549
Defines the organigrams functions and entity types.


function organigrams_load_multiple($oids = array(), $conditions = array()) {

  // Retrieve an array of organigrams objects using the specified conditions and
  // return the result.
  return entity_load('organigrams', $oids, $conditions);