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function opigno_lrs_stats_end_of_current_month in Opigno TinCan API 7

Get end of current month

Return value


2 calls to opigno_lrs_stats_end_of_current_month()
opigno_lrs_stats_dashboard_total_number_of_page_view_json_page in modules/opigno_tincan_api_stats/includes/dashboard/
Display total number of page view in json (morris.js format)
opigno_lrs_stats_filter_current_month_statements in modules/opigno_tincan_api_stats/includes/model/
Filter statements that happened this month


modules/opigno_tincan_api_stats/includes/model/, line 45
Implements helper functions


function opigno_lrs_stats_end_of_current_month() {
  $date = new DateTime();
  return $date
    ->modify('midnight last day of this month +1 day');