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function opigno_tincan_api_openbadges_statements_opigno_openbadge_assertion_created in Opigno TinCan API 7

Implements hook_opigno_openbadge_assertion_created().


modules/opigno_tincan_api_openbadges_statements/opigno_tincan_api_openbadges_statements.module, line 10


function opigno_tincan_api_openbadges_statements_opigno_openbadge_assertion_created($nid, $badgeClassFileURI, $assertFileURI) {

   * Actor: user
   * Verb: openbadges/earned
   * Object:
   * Result: extension
   * Context: None // TODO: add the og_group_ref as grouping context ?
  if (_opigno_tincan_api_tincanphp_is_installed() === false) {

  // First, get the data back from the badge.
  $badge_data = json_decode(file_get_contents(drupal_realpath($badgeClassFileURI)));

  // Init the statement.
  $statement = new TinCan\Statement();

  // Add the actor, the verb and the timestamp (and uuid) to the statement.
  _opigno_tincan_api_set_verb($statement, OpignoTincanApiTinCanVerbs::$earned);

  // Add an extension in the result.
    'extensions' => array(
      '' => array(
        '@id' => file_create_url($assertFileURI),

  // Add the object. This object contains an extension of the definition,
  //  a name, a description and a badge type.
  $uri_class_file = file_create_url($badgeClassFileURI);
    'id' => $uri_class_file,
    'objectType' => 'Activity',
    'definition' => array(
      'extensions' => array(
        '' => array(
          '@id' => $uri_class_file,
          'image' => $badge_data->image,
          'criteria' => $badge_data->criteria,
          'issuer' => $badge_data->issuer,
      'name' => array(
        'en-US' => $badge_data->name,
      'description' => array(
        'en-US' => $badge_data->description,
      'type' => OpignoTincanApiTinCanActivityDefinitionTypes::$badge,

  // Finally, send the statement