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 * Retrieve course progress percentage for a class (cached for 1 day)
 * @param int $class_nid
 * @param int $month_year
 * @param boolean $filter_month
 * @return int
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_course_progress_percentage($class_nid, $month_year, $filter_month) {
  $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $class_nid . ':' . $month_year . ':' . $filter_month;
  $cached_object = cache_get($cache_key);
  if ($cached_object) {
    $percentage = $cached_object->data;
  else {
    if ($filter_month) {
      $result = db_query('SELECT AVG(number_passed / (SELECT
                            COUNT(DISTINCT ug.uid) FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug WHERE ug.group_nid = og.group_nid
                          )) FROM {opigno_statistics_group} og
                          INNER JOIN {opigno_statistics_user_course} uc
                          ON og.group_nid = uc.course_nid
                          WHERE uc.uid IN (
                            SELECT uid FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug
                            WHERE ug.group_nid = :group_nid
                          AND og.group_type = :type
                          AND month_year <= :month_year', array(
        ':type' => 'course',
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':month_year' => $month_year,
    else {
      $year = gmdate('Y', $month_year + 86400);
      $result = db_query('SELECT AVG(number_passed / (SELECT
                            COUNT(DISTINCT ug.uid) FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug WHERE ug.group_nid = og.group_nid
                          )) FROM {opigno_statistics_group} og
                          INNER JOIN {opigno_statistics_user_course} uc
                          ON og.group_nid = uc.course_nid
                          WHERE uc.uid IN (
                            SELECT uid FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug
                            WHERE ug.group_nid = :group_nid
                          AND og.group_type = :type
                          AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM FROM_UNIXTIME(month_year)) <= :year', array(
        ':type' => 'course',
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':year' => $year,
    $percentage = $result[0];
    cache_set($cache_key, $percentage, 'cache', time() + 7200);

    // 7200s = 2h cache
  return $percentage;

 * Retrieve course quiz completion percentage for a class (cached for 1 day)
 * @param int $class_nid
 * @param int $month_year
 * @param boolean $filter_month
 * @return int
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_quiz_completion_percentage($class_nid, $month_year, $filter_month) {
  $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $class_nid . ':' . $month_year . ':' . $filter_month;
  $cached_object = cache_get($cache_key);
  if ($cached_object) {
    $percentage = $cached_object->data;
  else {
    if ($filter_month) {
      $result = db_query('SELECT AVG(cd.status) FROM {opigno_statistics_user_course_details} cd
                          INNER JOIN opigno_statistics_user_course uc
                          ON cd.opigno_statistics_user_course_fk = uc.opigno_statistics_user_course_pk
                          WHERE uc.uid IN (
                            SELECT uid FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug
                            WHERE ug.group_nid = :group_nid
                          AND cd.type = :type
                          AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(cd.timestamp),\'%m-%Y\') = DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(:timestamp),\'%m-%Y\')', array(
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':type' => 'quiz',
        ':timestamp' => $month_year,
    else {
      $result = db_query('SELECT AVG(cd.status) FROM {opigno_statistics_user_course_details} cd
                          INNER JOIN opigno_statistics_user_course uc
                          ON cd.opigno_statistics_user_course_fk = uc.opigno_statistics_user_course_pk
                          WHERE uc.uid IN (
                            SELECT uid FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug
                            WHERE ug.group_nid = :group_nid
                          AND cd.type = :type
                          AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(cd.timestamp),\'%Y\') = DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(:timestamp),\'%Y\')', array(
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':type' => 'quiz',
        ':timestamp' => $month_year,
    $percentage = $result[0];
    cache_set($cache_key, $percentage, 'cache', time() + 7200);

    // 7200s = 2h cache
  return $percentage;

 * Query total number of page view for a class (cached for 1 day)
 * @param int $course_nid
 * @param int $month_year
 * @param boolean $filter_month
 * @return array
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_total_number_of_page_view($class_nid, $month_year, $filter_month) {
  $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $class_nid . ':' . $month_year . ':' . $filter_month;
  $cached_object = cache_get($cache_key);
  if ($cached_object) {
    $total_number_of_page_view = $cached_object->data;
  else {
    $total_number_of_page_view = array();

    // If the filter is for the current month, we use the accesslog table (because the accesslog is flushed every month)
    //   Else, we use the opigno_statistics_group table
    if ($filter_month && date('Y-m') == date('Y-m', $month_year)) {

      // First, get all the nodes that are in the courses that are in the current class
      $all_child_nids = opigno_statistics_app_query_class_child_nids($class_nid);
      if (empty($all_child_nids)) {
        return array();

      // Construct the node ID filter
      $node_id_filter = '';
      foreach ($all_child_nids as $nid_to_filter) {
        $node_id_filter .= "path LIKE 'node/" . $nid_to_filter . "%' OR ";
      $node_id_filter = substr($node_id_filter, 0, -4);

      // Then, get the number of pages view by the users of the class
      $nbr_pages_query = db_query("\n          SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp),'%Y-%m-%d') as day, COUNT(*) as value\n          FROM {accesslog} a\n          WHERE (" . $node_id_filter . ") AND a.uid IN (\n            SELECT DISTINCT uid\n            FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug\n            WHERE group_nid = :group_nid\n          )\n          AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(a.timestamp),'%m-%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(:timestamp),'%m-%Y')\n          GROUP BY day\n        ", array(
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':timestamp' => $month_year,
    else {
      $filter_date_format = $filter_month ? '%m-%Y' : '%Y';
      $nbr_pages_query = db_query("\n          SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(month_year),'%Y-%m-%d') as day, page_views as value\n          FROM {opigno_statistics_group}\n          WHERE DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(month_year), '" . $filter_date_format . "') = DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(:month_year), '" . $filter_date_format . "')\n          AND group_nid = :group_nid\n        ", array(
        ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
        ':month_year' => $month_year,
    while ($record = $nbr_pages_query
      ->fetchAssoc()) {
      $total_number_of_page_view[] = $record;
    cache_set($cache_key, $total_number_of_page_view, 'cache', time() + 7200);

    // 7200s = 2h cache
  return $total_number_of_page_view;

 * Query total number of interaction for a class (cached for 1 day)
 * @param int $class_nid
 * @return array
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_number_of_interactions($class_nid) {
  $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $class_nid;
  $cached_object = cache_get($cache_key);
  if ($cached_object) {
    $number_of_interactions = $cached_object->data;
  else {
    $number_of_interactions = array();

    // Create the class childs filter
    $class_childs = opigno_statistics_app_query_class_child_nids($class_nid);
    $class_childs[] = $class_nid;
    $filter_class_childs = '(';
    foreach ($class_childs as $class_child_nid) {
      $filter_class_childs .= $class_child_nid . ',';
    $filter_class_childs = substr($filter_class_childs, 0, -1);
    $filter_class_childs .= ')';
    $result = db_query("\n      SELECT SUM(page_views) as number_of_interactions, j1.username, ROUND(j1.score, 0) as score\n      FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug\n      INNER JOIN (\n        SELECT AVG(score) as score, username, uid\n        FROM {opigno_statistics_user_course} uc\n        WHERE course_nid IN (\n          SELECT opigno_class_courses_target_id\n          FROM {field_data_opigno_class_courses} occ\n          WHERE entity_id = :group_nid\n        )\n        AND uid IN (\n          SELECT etid\n          FROM {og_membership}\n          WHERE group_type = 'node'\n          AND gid = :group_nid\n          AND entity_type = 'user'\n        )\n        GROUP BY uid\n      ) j1 ON j1.uid = ug.uid\n      WHERE ug.group_nid IN " . $filter_class_childs . "\n      GROUP BY j1.uid\n      ORDER BY score\n      ", array(
      ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
    while ($record = $result
      ->fetchAssoc()) {
      $number_of_interactions[] = $record;
    cache_set($cache_key, $number_of_interactions, 'cache', time() + 7200);

    // 7200s = 2h cache
  return $number_of_interactions;

 * Query students results statistics for a class (cached for 1 day)
 * @param int $class_nid
 * @return array
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_students_results($class_nid) {
  $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $class_nid;
  $cached_object = cache_get($cache_key);
  if ($cached_object) {
    $students_results = $cached_object->data;
  else {
    $students_results = array();
    $class_childs = opigno_statistics_app_query_class_child_nids($class_nid);
    $class_childs[] = $class_nid;
    $filter_class_childs = '(';
    foreach ($class_childs as $class_child_nid) {
      $filter_class_childs .= $class_child_nid . ',';
    $filter_class_childs = substr($filter_class_childs, 0, -1);
    $filter_class_childs .= ')';
    $result = db_query("\n      SELECT ROUND(AVG(uc.score), 0) as avg_score, j1.page_views as number_of_interactions, j1.uid, uc.username as student_name, COUNT(*) as tot_courses, SUM(status) as passed_courses\n      FROM {opigno_statistics_user_course} uc\n      INNER JOIN (\n        SELECT SUM(page_views) as page_views, uid\n          FROM {opigno_statistics_user_group} ug\n          WHERE group_nid IN " . $filter_class_childs . "\n          GROUP BY uid\n      ) j1 ON j1.uid = uc.uid\n      WHERE uc.uid IN (\n          SELECT etid\n          FROM {og_membership}\n          WHERE group_type = 'node'\n          AND gid = :group_nid\n          AND entity_type = 'user'\n      )\n      AND course_nid IN " . $filter_class_childs . "\n      GROUP BY j1.uid\n    ", array(
      ':group_nid' => $class_nid,
    $total_number_of_interactions = 0;
    $total_score = 0;
    while ($record = $result
      ->fetchAssoc()) {
      $record['status'] = $record['tot_courses'] == $record['passed_courses'] ? true : false;
      $students_results[] = $record;
      $total_number_of_interactions += $record['number_of_interactions'];
      $total_score += $record['avg_score'];
    $avg_number_of_interactions = count($students_results) > 0 ? $total_number_of_interactions / count($students_results) : 0;
    $avg_score = count($students_results) > 0 ? $total_score / count($students_results) : 0;
    foreach ($students_results as &$student_result) {
      $student_result['avg_number_of_interactions'] = round($avg_number_of_interactions, 0);
      $student_result['general_avg_score'] = round($avg_score, 0);
    cache_set($cache_key, $students_results, 'cache', time() + 7200);

    // 7200s = 2h cache
  return $students_results;

 * Get all the node IDs that are in the class (course IDs, lessons IDs of each courses of the class, etc)
function opigno_statistics_app_query_class_child_nids($class_nid) {
  $all_nids_query = db_query("\n      SELECT etid, gid\n      FROM {field_data_opigno_class_courses} occ\n      INNER JOIN og_membership ogm ON occ.opigno_class_courses_target_id = ogm.gid\n      WHERE occ.entity_id = :class_id AND ogm.entity_type = 'node'\n    ", array(
    ':class_id' => $class_nid,
  $all_nids = array();
  while ($row = $all_nids_query
    ->fetchAssoc()) {
    $all_nids[] = $row['etid'];
    $all_nids[] = $row['gid'];
  return array_unique($all_nids);


Namesort descending Description
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_child_nids Get all the node IDs that are in the class (course IDs, lessons IDs of each courses of the class, etc)
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_course_progress_percentage Retrieve course progress percentage for a class (cached for 1 day)
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_number_of_interactions Query total number of interaction for a class (cached for 1 day)
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_quiz_completion_percentage Retrieve course quiz completion percentage for a class (cached for 1 day)
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_students_results Query students results statistics for a class (cached for 1 day)
opigno_statistics_app_query_class_total_number_of_page_view Query total number of page view for a class (cached for 1 day)