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function opigno_module_update_8004 in Opigno module 8

Creates the hide_results field in opigno_module.


./opigno_module.install, line 392
Opigno module app install/update functionality.


function opigno_module_update_8004() {

  // Create a new field definition.
  $field = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
    ->setLabel(t('Do not display results at the end of the module'))
    ->setDescription(t('If you check this option, the correct answers won’t be displayed to the users at the end of the module.'))
    ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
    'type' => 'boolean_checkbox',
    'weight' => 2,

  // Install the new definition.
  $definition_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
    ->installFieldStorageDefinition('hide_results', 'opigno_module', 'opigno_module', $field);