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function opigno_messaging_preprocess_image_widget in Opigno messaging 3.x

Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().


./opigno_messaging.module, line 532
Contains opigno_messaging.module.


function opigno_messaging_preprocess_image_widget(&$variables) {

  // Display the image preview for image widget.
  $element = $variables['element'];
  $variables['attributes'] = [
    'class' => [
  if (!empty($element['fids']['#value'])) {
    $file = reset($element['#files']);
    $file_variables = [
      'style_name' => $element['#preview_image_style'],
      'uri' => $file

    // Determine image dimensions.
    if (isset($element['#value']['width']) && isset($element['#value']['height'])) {
      $file_variables['width'] = $element['#value']['width'];
      $file_variables['height'] = $element['#value']['height'];
    else {
      $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      if ($image instanceof ImageInterface && $image
        ->isValid()) {
        $file_variables['width'] = $image
        $file_variables['height'] = $image
      else {
        $file_variables['width'] = $file_variables['height'] = NULL;
    $element['preview'] = [
      '#weight' => -10,
      '#theme' => 'image_style',
      '#width' => $file_variables['width'],
      '#height' => $file_variables['height'],
      '#style_name' => $file_variables['style_name'],
      '#uri' => $file_variables['uri'],

    // Store the dimensions in the form so the file doesn't have to be accessed
    // again. This is important for remote files.
    $element['width'] = [
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $file_variables['width'],
    $element['height'] = [
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $file_variables['height'],
  $variables['data'] = [];
  foreach (Element::children($element) as $child) {
    $variables['data'][$child] = $element[$child];