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function opigno_lms_init in Opigno LMS 7

Implements hook_init().cd .drush


./opigno_lms.profile, line 26
Enables modules and site configuration for a standard site installation. Provides a default API for Apps and modules to use. This will simplify the user experience.


function opigno_lms_init() {

  // We need to store the default roles so other modules can use them easily.
  // Using this in hook_install() does not work, as the feature is not completely
  // done installing at that point (or so it seems - it doesn't make any sense).
  // Check the roles are found and set. If not, get them now.
  // Make sure we find at least one of them. If not, don't store anything and wait
  // for the next page load.
  $og_roles = variable_get('opigno_lms_default_og_roles', array());
  if (empty($og_roles)) {
    module_load_include('install', 'opigno_lms');

    // Get the role IDs to set them as variables.
    // If not a single role is found, then we still haven't finished installing the roles.
    // In that case, don't store the variable so we re-run this logic on the next page load.
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach (array(
      OPIGNO_LMS_COURSE_ADMIN_ROLE => 'manager',
      OPIGNO_LMS_COURSE_MODERATOR_ROLE => 'forum moderator',
    ) as $role_key => $role_name) {
      $rid = _opigno_lms_install_get_role_by_name($role_name, OPIGNO_COURSE_BUNDLE);
      if (!empty($rid)) {
        $og_roles[$role_key] = $rid;
        $found = TRUE;
    if ($found) {
      variable_set('opigno_lms_default_og_roles', $og_roles);
      variable_set('og_group_manager_default_rids_node_course', array(
      $rid = _opigno_lms_install_get_role_by_name('manager', 'class');
      if (!empty($rid)) {
        variable_set('og_group_manager_default_rids_node_class', array(
  $platform_roles = variable_get('opigno_lms_default_platform_roles', array());
  if (empty($platform_roles)) {
    module_load_include('install', 'opigno_lms');

    // Get the role IDs to set them as variables.
    // If not a single role is found, then we still haven't finished installing the roles.
    // In that case, don't store the variable so we re-run this logic on the next page load.
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach (array(
      OPIGNO_LMS_STUDENT_MANAGER_ROLE => 'student manager',
      OPIGNO_LMS_ADMIN_ROLE => 'administrator',
      OPIGNO_LMS_FORUM_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE => 'forum administrator',
    ) as $role_key => $role_name) {
      $role = user_role_load_by_name($role_name);
      if (!empty($role->rid)) {
        $platform_roles[$role_key] = $role->rid;
        $found = TRUE;
    if ($found) {
      variable_set('opigno_lms_default_platform_roles', $platform_roles);