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function _opigno_ilt_datetime_to_iso in Opigno Instructor-led Trainings 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x opigno_ilt.module \_opigno_ilt_datetime_to_iso()

Converts database datetime string to the ISO-8601 format without a timezone.


string $datetime_string: Datetime string.

Return value

string ISO-8601 without a timezone.

1 call to _opigno_ilt_datetime_to_iso()
opigno_ilt_opigno_ilt_presave in ./opigno_ilt.module
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().


./opigno_ilt.module, line 27
Contains opigno_ilt.module.


function _opigno_ilt_datetime_to_iso($datetime_string) {
  if (!isset($datetime_string)) {
    return NULL;
  $datetime = DrupalDateTime::createFromFormat(DrupalDateTime::FORMAT, $datetime_string);
  return $datetime
    ->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))