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function opigno_scorm_ui_player_integrate_sco in Opigno 7

Integrate a SCO object and return it (wrapped if necessary).

This page callback bypasses the Drupal page rendering and includes the SCO directly.


object $sco:

1 string reference to 'opigno_scorm_ui_player_integrate_sco'
opigno_scorm_ui_menu in modules/scorm/ui/opigno_scorm_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().


modules/scorm/ui/includes/, line 98
Player logic.


function opigno_scorm_ui_player_integrate_sco($sco) {

  // @todo Use hooks for different SCO types.
  // Does the SCO have a launch property ?
  if (!empty($sco->launch)) {
    $query = array();

    // Load the SCO data.
    $scorm = opigno_scorm_scorm_load($sco->scorm_id);

    // Remove the URL parameters from the launch URL.
    if (!empty($sco->attributes['parameters'])) {
      $sco->launch .= $sco->attributes['parameters'];
    $parts = explode('?', $sco->launch);
    $launch = array_shift($parts);
    if (!empty($parts)) {

      // Failsafe - in case a launch URL has 2 or more '?'.
      $parameters = implode('&', $parts);

    // Get the SCO location on the filesystem
    $sco_location = "{$scorm->extracted_dir}/{$launch}";
    $sco_path = file_create_url($sco_location);

    // Where there any parameters ? If so, prepare them for Drupal.
    if (!empty($parameters)) {
      foreach (explode('&', $parameters) as $param) {
        list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param);
        $query[$key] = !empty($value) ? $value : '';
    drupal_goto($sco_path, array(
      'query' => $query,
  else {