10 calls to openlayers_get_extent() in Openlayers 6.2
- hook_openlayers_presets in docs/
openlayers.api.php - OpenLayers Presets
- openlayers_layer_type_google::options_init in includes/
layer_types/ google.inc - Provide initial values for options.
- openlayers_layer_type_maptiler::options_init in includes/
layer_types/ maptiler.inc - Provide initial values for options.
- openlayers_layer_type_osm::options_init in includes/
layer_types/ osm.inc - Provide initial values for options.
- openlayers_layer_type_tms::options_init in includes/
layer_types/ tms.inc - Provide initial values for options.
- openlayers_layer_type_wms::__construct in includes/
layer_types/ wms.inc - openlayers_layer_type_xyz::options_init in includes/
layer_types/ xyz.inc - Provide initial values for options.
- openlayers_test_openlayers_presets in tests/
openlayers_test.module - Implementation of hook_openlayers_presets().
- _openlayers_openlayers_layers in includes/
openlayers.layers.inc - @file
- _openlayers_openlayers_presets in includes/
openlayers.presets.inc - Preset Implementation