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function _openlayers_openlayers_presets in Openlayers 6.2

Preset Implementation

Internal callback for openlayers preset implementation.

Return value

Array of presets

1 call to _openlayers_openlayers_presets()
openlayers_openlayers_presets in ./openlayers.module
Implementation of hook_openlayers_presets().


includes/, line 18
This file contains preset implementations


function _openlayers_openlayers_presets() {

  // Create full preset array
  $default = new stdClass();
  $default->api_version = 1;
  $default->name = 'default';
  $default->title = t('Default Map');
  $default->description = t('This is the default map preset that comes with the OpenLayers module.');
  $default->data = array(
    'projection' => '900913',
    'width' => 'auto',
    'height' => '400px',
    'default_layer' => 'osm_mapnik',
    'center' => array(
      'initial' => array(
        'centerpoint' => '0,0',
        'zoom' => '2',
    'displayProjection' => '4326',
    'maxExtent' => openlayers_get_extent('4326'),
    'behaviors' => array(
      'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array(),
      'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array(),
      'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array(),
      'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(),
      'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array(),
    'layers' => array(
      'osm_mapnik' => 'osm_mapnik',
  return array(
    'default' => $default,