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class openlayers_projection in Openlayers 7.2

Models a projection, a description of a coordinate system.


Expanded class hierarchy of openlayers_projection


./openlayers.module, line 970
Main OpenLayers API File

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class openlayers_projection {

   * @var String Opaque primary key (should not be exposed but ctools API doesn't allow for a more rigid structure)
  public $identifier;

   * @var String proj4 definition for on-the-fly reprojections of vector data.
  private $definition;

   * @var number Leftmost boundary where coordinate system is valid
  private $projectedextentleft;

   * @var number Bottommost boundary where coordinate system is valid
  private $projectedextentbottom;

   * @var number Rightmost boundary where coordinate system is valid
  private $projectedextentright;

   * @var number Topmost boundary where coordinate system is valid
  private $projectedextenttop;
  public function __construct($identifier, $definition, $projectedextentleft, $projectedextentbottom, $projectedextentright, $projectedextenttop) {
    $this->identifier = $identifier;
    $this->definition = $definition;
    $this->projectedextentleft = $projectedextentleft;
    $this->projectedextentbottom = $projectedextentbottom;
    $this->projectedextentright = $projectedextentright;
    $this->projectedextenttop = $projectedextenttop;

   * @return string Textual representation for the user.
  public function getLocalizedMessage() {
    return $this->identifier;

   * @return array Boundaries of projection in projected coordinates
  public function getProjectedExtent() {
    return array_map('floatval', array(

   * @return String Proj4 style definition
  public function getDefinition() {
    return $this->definition;

