class openlayers_styles_ui in Openlayers 7.2
- class \ctools_export_ui
- class \openlayers_styles_ui
Expanded class hierarchy of openlayers_styles_ui
1 string reference to 'openlayers_styles_ui'
- openlayers_ui_openlayers_styles_ctools_export_ui in modules/
openlayers_ui/ plugins/ export_ui/ - CTools Export UI required function for plugin definition See function ctools_plugin_load_includes() in the module ctools.
- modules/
openlayers_ui/ plugins/ export_ui/ openlayers_styles_ui.class.php, line 6
View source
class openlayers_styles_ui extends ctools_export_ui {
function edit_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
parent::edit_form($form, $form_state);
$style = $form_state['item'];
if (empty($style->name)) {
$style = NULL;
module_load_include('inc', 'openlayers_ui', 'includes/openlayers_ui.styles');
$properties = array(
'externalGraphic' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The URL of an icon for points in a layer. The following options are available:
<ul><li>Full path, such as</li>
<li>Relative Drupal path, such as sites/all/modules/example/icon.png</li>
<li>Absolute path, such as /icon.png (though this is not suggested for maintainability reasons)</li></ul>'),
'maxlength' => 2083,
'backgroundGraphic' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Url to a graphic to be used as the background under an externalGraphic.'),
'maxlength' => 2083,
'backgroundGraphicZIndex' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The integer z-index value to use in rendering the background graphic.'),
'backgroundXOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The x offset (in pixels) for the background graphic.'),
'backgroundYOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The y offset (in pixels) for the background graphic.'),
'backgroundHeight' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The height of the background graphic. If not provided, the graphicHeight will be used.'),
'backgroundWidth' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The width of the background width. If not provided, the graphicWidth will be used.'),
'pointRadius' => array(
'default' => 6,
'desc' => t('The radius of a vector point or the size of
an icon. Note that, when using icons, this value should be half the
width of the icon image.'),
'fillColor' => array(
'default' => '#EE9900',
'desc' => t('This is the color used for
filling in Polygons. It is also used in the center of marks for
points: the interior color of circles or other shapes. It is
not used if an externalGraphic is applied to a point. This should be
a hexadecimal value like #FFFFFF.'),
'fillOpacity' => array(
'default' => 1,
'desc' => t('This is the opacity used for filling in Polygons.
It is also used in the center of marks for points: the interior
color of circles or other shapes. It is not used if an
externalGraphic is applied to a point. This should be a value
between 0 and 1.'),
'strokeColor' => array(
'default' => '#EE9900',
'desc' => t('This is color of the line on features. On
polygons and point marks, it is used as an outline to the feature.
On lines, this is the representation of the feature. This should be
a hexadecimal value like #FFFFFF.'),
'strokeWidth' => array(
'default' => 1,
'desc' => t('This is width of the line on features. On
polygons and point marks, it is used as an outline to
the feature. On lines, this is the representation of the
feature. This is a value in pixels.'),
'strokeOpacity' => array(
'default' => 1,
'desc' => t('This is opacity of the line on features.
On polygons and point marks, it is used as an outline to the
feature. On lines, this is the representation of the feature.
This should be a value between 0 and 1.'),
'strokeLinecap' => array(
'default' => 'round',
'desc' => t('Options are butt, round, square. This property
is similar to the SVG stroke-linecap property. It determines
what the end of lines should look like. See the SVG link for
image examples.'),
'options' => array(
'butt' => t('Butt'),
'round' => t('Round'),
'square' => t('Square'),
'strokeDashstyle' => array(
'default' => 'solid',
'desc' => t('Options are dot, dash, dashdot, longdash, longdashdot, solid.'),
'options' => array(
'dot' => t('Dot'),
'dash' => t('Dash'),
'dashdot' => t('Dash-dot'),
'longdash' => t('Long-dash'),
'longdashdot' => t('Long-dash-dot'),
'solid' => t('Solid'),
'cursor' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Cursor used when mouse is over the feature. Default
is an empty string, which inherits from parent elements. See
<a href="!url">CSS cursor styles</a>.', array(
'!url' => '',
'graphicWidth' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('This properties define the width of an externalGraphic.
This is an alternative to the pointRadius symbolizer property
to be used when your graphic has different sizes in the X and
Y direction. This should be in pixels.'),
'graphicHeight' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('This properties define the height of an externalGraphic.
This is an alternative to the pointRadius symbolizer property
to be used when your graphic has different sizes in the X and
Y direction. This should be in pixels.'),
'graphicOpacity' => array(
'default' => '1',
'desc' => t('Opacity of an external graphic. This should be a
value between 0 and 1. Graphics that are already semitransparent,
like alpha PNGs, should have this set to 1, or rendering problems in
Internet Explorer will ensue.'),
'graphicXOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Where the X value of the "center" of an
externalGraphic should be. This should be in pixels.'),
'graphicYOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Where the Y value of the "center" of an
externalGraphic should be. This should be in pixels.'),
'graphicName' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Name of a type of symbol to be used
for a point mark.'),
'graphicZIndex' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The integer z-index value to use in rendering.'),
'rotation' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The rotation angle in degrees clockwise for
a point symbolizer.'),
'display' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Can be set to "none" to hide features
from rendering.'),
'options' => array(
'' => t('On'),
'none' => t('None (off)'),
'title' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Tooltip when hovering over a feature. Not supported by the canvas renderer.'),
'label' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The text for an optional label. For browsers that use the canvas renderer, this requires either fillText or mozDrawText to be available. Typically used with ${attribute} syntax.'),
'labelAlign' => array(
'default' => 'cm',
'desc' => t('Label alignment.'),
'options' => array(
'cm' => t('Center, middle'),
'ct' => t('Center, top'),
'cb' => t('Center, bottom'),
'lm' => t('Left, middle'),
'lt' => t('Left, top'),
'lb' => t('Left, bottom'),
'rm' => t('Right, middle'),
'rt' => t('Right, top'),
'rb' => t('Right, bottom'),
'labelXOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Label X offset. Positive numbers move label right.'),
'labelYOffset' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Label Y offset. Positive numbers move label up.'),
'fontColor' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The font color for the label, to be provided like CSS.'),
'fontOpacity' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('Opacity (0-1) for the label'),
'fontFamily' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The font family for the label, to be provided like in CSS.'),
'fontSize' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The font size for the label, to be provided like in CSS.'),
'fontStyle' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The font style for the label, to be provided like in CSS.'),
'fontWeight' => array(
'default' => '',
'desc' => t('The font weight for the label, to be provided like in CSS.'),
$form['info']['title'] = array(
'#id' => 'styletitle',
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#weight' => -1,
'#title' => t('Style title'),
'#default_value' => isset($style->title) ? $style->title : '',
'#description' => t('The friendly name of your style, which will appear in the administration interface as well on the map interface.'),
$form['info']['name']['#machine_name']['source'] = array(
$fields = array();
$views = views_get_all_views();
foreach ($views as $vid => $view) {
if (isset($view->display)) {
foreach ($view->display as $vdid => $display) {
if (!empty($display->display_options['style_plugin'])) {
if ($display->display_options['style_plugin'] == 'openlayers_data') {
if (!empty($display->display_options['fields'])) {
foreach ($display->display_options['fields'] as $fid => $fdata) {
$fields[] = t('<code>@fid</code> <em>(from view @viewname and display @displayname.)</em>', array(
'@fid' => '${' . $fid . '}',
'@viewname' => $view->name,
'@displayname' => $vdid,
$form['available_fields'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#title' => t('Available fields to use as token'),
'#description' => t('Notice: Since OpenLayers beta 9, the rendering of
. the fields has changed, it\'s not using the raw value of the field,
. but the full row rendering. You must disable all the HTML element by
. selecting None in the Style setting fieldset of the field in Views or
. you might get a mix of HTML with the raw value of the field.'),
if ($fields) {
$form['available_fields']['fields'] = array(
'#markup' => theme('item_list', array(
'items' => $fields,
else {
$form['available_fields']['fields'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<p class="no-fields-message">',
'#markup' => t('There are no available fields to use as tokens.'),
'#suffix' => '</p>',
$form['available_fields']['fields_instruction'] = array(
'#access' => user_access('administer views'),
'#prefix' => '<p class="no-fields-instruction">',
'#markup' => t('Go to the <a !attributes>Views administration</a> page and create an "OpenLayers Data Overlay" display.', array(
'!attributes' => drupal_attributes(array(
'href' => url('admin/structure/views'),
'#suffix' => '</p>',
// OpenLayers style properties
$form['data'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#title' => t('Style Properties'),
'#description' => t('The specific properties for the style.'),
foreach ($properties as $key => $prop) {
$form['data'][$key] = array(
'#type' => !isset($prop['options']) ? 'textfield' : 'select',
'#title' => !isset($prop['title']) ? check_plain($key) : check_plain($prop['title']),
'#description' => filter_xss($prop['desc']),
'#default_value' => isset($style->data[$key]) ? $style->data[$key] : $prop['default'],
'#element_validate' => isset($prop['element_validate']) ? $prop['element_validate'] : array(),
'#element_validate' => isset($prop['element_validate']) ? $prop['element_validate'] : array(),
// Add options if needed
if (isset($prop['options']) && is_array($prop['options'])) {
$form['data'][$key]['#options'] = $prop['options'];
// Add maxlength if needed
if (isset($prop['maxlength']) && is_numeric($prop['maxlength'])) {
$form['data'][$key]['#maxlength'] = $prop['maxlength'];
// Add preview button.
$form['buttons']['preview'] = array(
'#type' => 'button',
'#value' => t('Preview'),
function edit_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
* Prepare the tag values before they are added to the database.
function edit_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
// Cast and unset values so JS can handle them better,
// Unless values are in the form ${attribute}
foreach ($form_state['values']['data'] as $key => $value) {
if (is_numeric($form_state['values']['data'][$key])) {
$form_state['values']['data'][$key] = (double) $form_state['values']['data'][$key];
if (empty($form_state['values']['data'][$key])) {
parent::edit_form_submit($form, $form_state);
* Build a row based on the item.
* By default all of the rows are placed into a table by the render
* method, so this is building up a row suitable for theme('table').
* This doesn't have to be true if you override both.
function list_build_row($item, &$form_state, $operations) {
// Set up sorting
$name = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']};
$schema = ctools_export_get_schema($this->plugin['schema']);
// Note: $item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} should have already been set up by so
// we can use it safely.
switch ($form_state['values']['order']) {
case 'disabled':
$this->sorts[$name] = empty($item->disabled) . $name;
case 'title':
$this->sorts[$name] = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']};
case 'name':
$this->sorts[$name] = $name;
case 'storage':
$this->sorts[$name] = $item->{$schema['export']['export type string']} . $name;
$this->rows[$name]['data'] = array();
$this->rows[$name]['class'] = !empty($item->disabled) ? array(
) : array(
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => openlayers_ui_style_preview($item),
'class' => array(
// If we have an admin title, make it the first row.
if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) {
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => check_plain($item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_title']}),
'class' => array(
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => $item->title,
'class' => array(
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => $item->description,
'class' => array(
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => check_plain($item->{$schema['export']['export type string']}),
'class' => array(
$ops = theme('links__ctools_dropbutton', array(
'links' => $operations,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
$this->rows[$name]['data'][] = array(
'data' => $ops,
'class' => array(
// Add an automatic mouseover of the description if one exists.
if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_description'])) {
$this->rows[$name]['title'] = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['admin_description']};
* Provide the table header.
* If you've added columns via list_build_row() but are still using a
* table, override this method to set up the table header.
function list_table_header() {
$header = array();
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Preview'),
'class' => array(
if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) {
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Name'),
'class' => array(
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Title'),
'class' => array(
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Description'),
'class' => array(
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Storage'),
'class' => array(
$header[] = array(
'data' => t('Operations'),
'class' => array(
return $header;
* hook_menu() entry point.
* Child implementations that need to add or modify menu items should
* probably call parent::hook_menu($items) and then modify as needed.
function hook_menu(&$items) {
$items['admin/structure/openlayers/styles']['type'] = MENU_LOCAL_TASK;
* Provide a list of sort options.
* Override this if you wish to provide more or change how these work.
* The actual handling of the sorting will happen in build_row().
function list_sort_options() {
if (!empty($this->plugin['export']['admin_title'])) {
$options = array(
'disabled' => t('Enabled, title'),
$this->plugin['export']['admin_title'] => t('Title'),
else {
$options = array(
'disabled' => t('Enabled, title'),
$options += array(
'storage' => t('Storage'),
return $options;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
ctools_export_ui:: |
property | |||
ctools_export_ui:: |
property | |||
ctools_export_ui:: |
property | |||
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Menu callback to determine if an operation is accessible. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | ||
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Builds the operation links for a specific exportable item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Main entry point to clone an item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Deletes exportable items from the database. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Page callback to delete an exportable item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Callback to disable a page. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Clear the object cache for the currently edited item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Retrieve the item currently being edited from the object cache. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Figure out what the cache key is for this object. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Cache the item currently currently being edited. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | ||
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Execute the form. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Execute the standard form for editing. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Execute the wizard for editing. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Perform a final validation check before allowing the form to be finished. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Import form. Provides simple helptext instructions and textarea for pasting a export definition. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Submit callback for import form. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Import form validate handler. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Main entry point to edit an item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Called to save the final product from the edit form. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Wizard 'back' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Wizard 'next' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Callback to enable a page. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Page callback to display export information for an exportable item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Get a page title for the current page from our plugin strings. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Get the form info for the wizard. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Page callback to import information for an exportable item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Fake constructor -- this is easier to deal with than the real constructor because we are retaining PHP4 compatibility, which would require all child classes to implement their own constructor. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Add listing CSS to the page. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Determine if a row should be filtered out. | 2 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Render a footer to go after thie list. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Create the filter/sort form at the top of a list of exports. | 2 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Submit the filter/sort form. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Validate the filter/sort form. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Render a header to go before the list. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Master entry point for handling a list. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Render all of the rows together. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Provide a list of fields to test against for the default "search" widget. | 1 |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Called by ctools_export_ui_load to load the item. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Perform a drupal_goto() to the location provided by the plugin for the operation. | |
ctools_export_ui:: |
public | function | Set an item's state to enabled or disabled and output to user. | |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Provide the actual editing form. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Prepare the tag values before they are added to the database. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Validate callback for the edit form. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
hook_menu() entry point. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Build a row based on the item. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Provide a list of sort options. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |
openlayers_styles_ui:: |
function |
Provide the table header. Overrides ctools_export_ui:: |