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function openid_connect_windows_aad_openid_connect_userinfo_save in OpenID Connect Microsoft Azure Active Directory client 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x openid_connect_windows_aad.module \openid_connect_windows_aad_openid_connect_userinfo_save()

Implements hook_openid_connect_userinfo_save().


./openid_connect_windows_aad.module, line 51
OpenID Connect Windows AAD module file.


function openid_connect_windows_aad_openid_connect_userinfo_save(UserInterface $account, array $context) {
  if ($context['plugin_id'] !== 'windows_aad' || !isset($context['user_data']['groups']) && !isset($context['userinfo']['groups']['value'])) {
  try {

    // Ensure windows_aad auth is enabled and configured for group mapping.
    $configuration = \Drupal::config('openid_connect.settings.windows_aad');
    $settings = $configuration
    $aad_enabled = (bool) $configuration
    if (!$aad_enabled || !$settings['map_ad_groups_to_roles']) {
  } catch (Exception $exception) {

    // Not likely to happen but assume windows_aad is not enabled if it does.
  $mapped_roles = $groups = [];
  $user_roles = $account
  $all_roles = Role::loadMultiple();

  // Retreive a list of previously mapped roles.
  $UserData = \Drupal::service('');
  $previous_mapped_roles = $UserData
    ->get('openid_connect_windows_aad', $account
    ->id(), 'mapped_roles');
  if (!isset($previous_mapped_roles)) {
    $previous_mapped_roles = array();

  // Groups found in the user_data returned from the auth request.
  if (isset($context['user_data']['groups'])) {
    foreach ($context['user_data']['groups'] as $gid) {
      $groups[$gid] = $gid;
  $group_id_key = 'id';

  // Depending on the API the group data has different keys.
  if ($settings['userinfo_graph_api_wa'] == 1) {
    $group_id_key = 'objectId';

  // Groups found in the userinfo returned from the user info request.
  if (isset($context['userinfo']['groups']['value'])) {
    foreach ($context['userinfo']['groups']['value'] as $group) {
      $groups[$group['displayName']] = $group['displayName'];
      if (!isset($groups[$group[$group_id_key]])) {
        $groups[$group[$group_id_key]] = $group[$group_id_key];
  switch ($settings['group_mapping']['method']) {

    // Manual mapping.
    case 1:
      if (!empty($settings['group_mapping']['mappings'])) {
        $role_group_map = [];

        // The mappings is a text area with each line containing the following
        // format: <role id or label>|<AD Group ID or Label>;<AD Group ID or Label>; ...
        // Thus we need to split the text out into its components and determine
        // if there are any roles that should map to this user.
        $list = explode("\n", $settings['group_mapping']['mappings']);
        $list = array_map('trim', $list);
        $list = array_filter($list, 'strlen');
        foreach ($list as $position => $text) {
          $matches = [];
          if (preg_match('/(.*)\\|(.*)/', $text, $matches)) {

            // Trim key and value to avoid unwanted spaces issues.
            $key = trim($matches[1]);
            if (!$key) {

            // Ensure we are dealing with the Role's id and not label.
            if (!isset($all_roles[$key])) {
              foreach ($all_roles as $role) {
                if ($key === $role
                  ->label()) {
                  $key = $role
            if (!isset($all_roles[$key])) {

            // Ensure we end up with a non-empty array of AD groups.
            $value = trim($matches[2]);
            $values = explode(';', $value);
            $values = array_map('trim', $values);
            if (!$values) {

            // If any of the mappings match the user's groups then the user
            // should be granted the mapped role.
            if (array_intersect($values, $groups)) {
              $mapped_roles[$key] = $key;

    // Automatic mapping.
      foreach ($all_roles as $role) {

        // Only Role labels can be matched to the list of the user's groups.
        if (in_array($role
          ->label(), $groups)) {
          $key = $role
          $mapped_roles[$key] = $key;
  if ($mapped_roles) {
    $mapped_roles = array_keys($mapped_roles);

  // Determine which mapped roles the user does not already have
  $add = array_diff($mapped_roles, $user_roles);
  if ($settings['group_mapping']['strict']) {

    // Strict mode so remove any role the user has that is unmapped.
    $remove = array_diff($user_roles, $mapped_roles);
  else {

    // Not so strict, only remove roles previously mapped, but nolonger are.
    $remove = array_diff($previous_mapped_roles, $mapped_roles);

  // Remove Drupal roles the user is no longer permitted to have.
  foreach ($remove as $rid) {
    if (isset($all_roles[$rid])) {
      $role = $all_roles[$rid];
      $vars = [
        '@role' => $role
        '@user' => $account
        ->notice('Removed role @role from user @user', $vars);

  // Add Drupal roles that the user should be granted.
  foreach ($add as $rid) {
    $role = $all_roles[$rid];
    $vars = [
      '@role' => $role
      '@user' => $account
      ->notice('Added role @role to user @user', $vars);

  // Save which roles were mapped so we can properly handle removing mapped
  // roles that change the next time.
    ->set('openid_connect_windows_aad', $account
    ->id(), 'mapped_roles', $mapped_roles);