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function file_save_data in OpenID Connect / OAuth client 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/src/Unit/UserPasswordFixture.php \file_save_data()

Mock of the file_save_data function.


string $data: The data to save.

string|null $destination: The destination to save.

int $replace: Whether to replace the file or not.

Return value

\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject Return a mock object that mimics the file_save_data.

1 call to file_save_data()
OpenIDConnect::saveUserinfo in src/OpenIDConnect.php
Save user profile information into a user account.


tests/src/Unit/UserPasswordFixture.php, line 44


function file_save_data(string $data, ?string $destination = NULL, int $replace = FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_RENAME) : MockObject {
  return $GLOBALS['oldFileMock'];