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function hook_openid_connect_user_properties_ignore_alter in OpenID Connect / OAuth client 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x openid_connect.api.php \hook_openid_connect_user_properties_ignore_alter()

Alter the user properties to be ignored for mapping.

This hook is called before OpenID Connect maps the user information from the identity provider with the Drupal user account.

A popular use for this hook is to prevent properties from being mapped for certain identity providers.


array $properties_to_skip: An array of of properties to skip.

array $context: An empty array for the OpenID Connect settings form, or an associative array with context information, if the hook is invoked during user authorization:

  • tokens: An array of tokens.
  • user_data: An array of user and session data from the ID token.
  • userinfo: An array of user information from the userinfo endpoint.
  • plugin_id: The plugin identifier.
  • sub: The remote user identifier.
1 invocation of hook_openid_connect_user_properties_ignore_alter()
OpenIDConnect::userPropertiesIgnore in src/OpenIDConnect.php
Return user properties that can be ignored when mapping user profile info.


./openid_connect.api.php, line 82
Documentation for OpenID Connect module APIs.


function hook_openid_connect_user_properties_ignore_alter(array &$properties_to_skip, array $context) {

  // Allow to map the username to a property from the provider.
  if ($context['plugin_id'] == 'generic') {