function og_subgroups_tree in Subgroups for Organic groups 5
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.4 og_subgroups.module \og_subgroups_tree()
- 5.3 og_subgroups.module \og_subgroups_tree()
Returns an array of titles and groups nids in tree hiearachy order.
$groups: All the accessibale groups.
$exclude: The current group id that shouldn't appear in the subgroups.
$inaccessibale: All the inaccessibale groups.
$indent: The indention to be used.
2 calls to og_subgroups_tree()
- og_subgroups_outline in ./
og_subgroups.module - Implementation of function og_subgroups_outline() Handles all subgroups outline operations.
- og_subgroups_set_hierarchy in ./
og_subgroups.module - API function to set/ update groups hierarchy.
- ./
og_subgroups.module, line 452 - Maintains subgroups hierarchy created by the orgainc groups module.
function og_subgroups_tree($groups, $exclude, $inaccessibale, $indent = '') {
$tree = array();
$tree[0] = '<' . t('top-level') . '>';
foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
// Start recurse only from top level groups.
$parent = og_subgroups_get_all_family($key, 'up');
// Get the top level parent of a group.
if ($parent[0]->gid) {
$gid = $parent[0]->gid;
$title = $parent[0]->title;
else {
$gid = $key;
$title = $group;
// Set the top level group. Make sure the gid is part of the accessible groups.
if (empty($tree[$gid]) && $gid != $exclude) {
!in_array($gid, $inaccessibale) ? $tree[$gid] = $title : ($tree[$gid] = t('<private group>'));
$tree = og_subgroups_tree_recurse($gid, $exclude, $inaccessibale, $tree, $indent . '--');
return $tree;