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6 calls to og_subgroups_get_family() in Subgroups for Organic groups 5

og_subgroups_get_all_family in ./og_subgroups.module
Given a node, this function returns an array of 'group node' objects representing the path in the subroups tree.
og_subgroups_menu_tree_recurse in ./og_subgroups.module
Helper function for og_subgroups_menu_tree()
og_subgroups_nodeapi in ./og_subgroups.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
og_subgroups_set_hierarchy in ./og_subgroups.module
API function to set/ update groups hierarchy.
og_subgroups_tree_recurse in ./og_subgroups.module
Helper function for og_subgroups_tree().
og_subgroups_workflow_ng_condition_has_family in ./
Condition: Group has family.