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function og_subgroups_group_is_child in Subgroups for Organic groups 6

Determine if a group is the child of a given parent group

This function will iterate though the entire parents lower ancestry, returning TRUE even if the child is multiple levels below (child of a child)


$parent: The parent group node

$child: The child group node

Return value

TRUE if $child is a child of $parent, or a child of a child of the $parent, and so on, otherwise FALSE.

2 calls to og_subgroups_group_is_child()
og_subgroups_context_condition_node_below_og::execute in modules/og_subgroups_context/plugins/
Execute the plugin
og_subgroups_node_form_validate in ./og_subgroups.module
Validate the group node form


includes/, line 262
Functions to generate and use the group hierarchy trees


function og_subgroups_group_is_child($parent, $child) {
  return in_array($child->nid, array_keys(og_subgroups_get_group_children($parent, FALSE)));