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function _og_subgroups_token_list in Subgroups for Organic groups 6

Callback for hook_token_list()

1 call to _og_subgroups_token_list()
og_subgroups_token_list in ./og_subgroups.module
Implementation of hook_token_list().


includes/, line 57


function _og_subgroups_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'node' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-parent'] = t('Node title of the parent group');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-parent-raw'] = t('Unfiltered node title of the parent group - raw user input');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-parent-id'] = t('Node ID of the parent group');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-parent-alias'] = t('URL alias for the parent group.');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-grandparent'] = t('Node title of the parent of the parent group');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-grandparent-raw'] = t('Unfiltered node title of the parent of the parent group - raw user input');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-grandparent-id'] = t('Node ID of the parent of the parent group');
    $tokens['node']['subgroups-grandparent-alias'] = t('URL alias for the parent of the parent group.');
    return $tokens;