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interface GroupTypeManagerInterface in Organic groups 8

Interface for services intended to help managing groups.


Expanded class hierarchy of GroupTypeManagerInterface

All classes that implement GroupTypeManagerInterface

12 files declare their use of GroupTypeManagerInterface
GroupCheckTest.php in tests/src/Unit/GroupCheckTest.php
GroupSubscribeFormatterTest.php in tests/src/Unit/GroupSubscribeFormatterTest.php
GroupType.php in src/Plugin/Condition/GroupType.php
GroupTypeManagerTest.php in tests/src/Unit/GroupTypeManagerTest.php
OgAccessTestBase.php in tests/src/Unit/OgAccessTestBase.php

... See full list


src/GroupTypeManagerInterface.php, line 10


View source
interface GroupTypeManagerInterface {

   * Determines whether an entity type ID and bundle ID are group enabled.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The entity type name.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The bundle name.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if a bundle is a group.
  public function isGroup($entity_type_id, $bundle);

   * Checks if the given entity bundle is group content.
   * This is provided as a convenient sister method to ::isGroup(). It is a
   * simple wrapper for OgGroupAudienceHelperInterface::hasGroupAudienceField().
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The entity type ID.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The bundle name.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the entity bundle is group content.
  public function isGroupContent($entity_type_id, $bundle);

   * Returns the group of an entity type.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The entity type name.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface[]
   *   Array of groups, or an empty array if none found
  public function getGroupBundleIdsByEntityType($entity_type_id);

   * Returns a list of all group content bundles IDs keyed by entity type.
   * This will return a simple list of group content bundles IDs. If you need
   * information about the relations between groups and group content bundles
   * then use getGroupRelationMap() instead.
   * @return string[][]
   *   An associative array of group content bundle IDs, keyed by entity type
   *   ID.
   * @see \Drupal\og\GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupRelationMap()
  public function getAllGroupContentBundleIds();

   * Returns a list of all group content bundles filtered by entity type.
   * This will return a simple list of group content bundles. If you need
   * information about the relations between groups and group content bundles
   * then use getGroupRelationMap() instead.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   Entity type ID to filter the bundles by.
   * @return string[]
   *   An array of group content bundle IDs.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when the passed in entity type ID does not have any group content
   *   bundles defined.
   * @see \Drupal\og\GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupRelationMap()
  public function getAllGroupContentBundlesByEntityType($entity_type_id);

   * Returns all group bundles that are referenced by the given group content.
   * @param string $group_content_entity_type_id
   *   The entity type ID of the group content type for which to return
   *   associated group bundle IDs.
   * @param string $group_content_bundle_id
   *   The bundle ID of the group content type for which to return associated
   *   group bundle IDs.
   * @return string[][]
   *   An array of group bundle IDs, keyed by group entity type ID.
  public function getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle($group_content_entity_type_id, $group_content_bundle_id);

   * Returns group content bundles that are referencing the given group content.
   * @param string $group_entity_type_id
   *   The entity type ID of the group type for which to return associated group
   *   content bundle IDs.
   * @param string $group_bundle_id
   *   The bundle ID of the group type for which to return associated group
   *   content bundle IDs.
   * @return string[][]
   *   An array of group content bundle IDs, keyed by group content entity type
   *   ID.
  public function getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle($group_entity_type_id, $group_bundle_id);

   * Declares a bundle of an entity type as being an OG group.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The entity type ID of the bundle to declare as being a group.
   * @param string $bundle_id
   *   The bundle ID of the bundle to declare as being a group.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when the given bundle is already a group.
  public function addGroup($entity_type_id, $bundle_id);

   * Removes an entity type instance as being an OG group.
  public function removeGroup($entity_type_id, $bundle_id);

   * Resets all locally stored data.
  public function reset();

   * Resets the cached group map.
   * Call this after adding or removing a group type.
  public function resetGroupMap();

   * Resets the cached group relation map.
   * Call this after making a change to the relationship between a group type
   * and a group content type.
  public function resetGroupRelationMap();

   * Returns the group map.
   * @return string[][]
   *   The group map.
  public function getGroupMap();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
GroupTypeManagerInterface::addGroup public function Declares a bundle of an entity type as being an OG group. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getAllGroupContentBundleIds public function Returns a list of all group content bundles IDs keyed by entity type. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getAllGroupContentBundlesByEntityType public function Returns a list of all group content bundles filtered by entity type. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupBundleIdsByEntityType public function Returns the group of an entity type. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle public function Returns all group bundles that are referenced by the given group content. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle public function Returns group content bundles that are referencing the given group content. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::getGroupMap public function Returns the group map. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::isGroup public function Determines whether an entity type ID and bundle ID are group enabled. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::isGroupContent public function Checks if the given entity bundle is group content. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::removeGroup public function Removes an entity type instance as being an OG group. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::reset public function Resets all locally stored data. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::resetGroupMap public function Resets the cached group map. 1
GroupTypeManagerInterface::resetGroupRelationMap public function Resets the cached group relation map. 1