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constant OG_CONTENT_ACCESS_FIELD in Organic groups 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 og_access/og_access.module \OG_CONTENT_ACCESS_FIELD

Group public access field.

OgAccessTestCase::testGroupContentAccessDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with default definition.
OgAccessTestCase::testGroupContentAccessNotDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with different definition from the group.
OgAccessTestCase::testSubGroupContentAccess in og_access/og_access.test
Testing special case in which a group is also group content, and it is inside another group. When those groups are set to private (either when set specifically or given from the group defaults), it should be verified groups are accessible, even for…
OgAccessUseGroupDefaultsTestCase::setUp in og_access/og_access.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
og_access_og_fields_info in og_access/og_access.module
Implement hook_og_fields_info().


og_access/og_access.module, line 22
Enable access control for private and public groups and group content.


define('OG_CONTENT_ACCESS_FIELD', 'group_content_access');