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function OgNodeAccess::testStrictAccessNodeUpdate in Organic groups 7.2

Test strict access permissions for updating group node. A non-member of a group who has core node access update permission is denied access.


./og.test, line 164


Test Group node access. This will test nodes that are groups and group content.


function testStrictAccessNodeUpdate() {

  // Set Node access strict variable.
  variable_set('og_node_access_strict', TRUE);

  // Login as editor and try to change the group node and group content.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->group1->nid . '/edit');
    ->assertResponse('403', t('A non-member with core node access permissions was denied access to edit group node.'));
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->group_content->nid . '/edit');
    ->assertResponse('403', t('A non-member with core node access permissions was denied access to edit group content node.'));

  // Login as a group manager and try to change group node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->group1->nid . '/edit');
    ->assertResponse('200', t('Group manager allowed to access to edit group node.'));
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->group_content->nid . '/edit');
    ->assertResponse('200', t('Group manager allowed to access to edit group content node.'));