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8 calls to og_role_permissions() in Organic groups 7.2

OgMigrateRoles::preImport in includes/migrate/7200/
Copy all existing global roles to bundle-specific versions. Although similar processing is available through the og_roles_override() function, special handling is necessary to ensure that custom global roles are copied as well as default global roles.
OgUiMigrate7000TestCase::testUpgrade in og_ui/og_ui.test
Test a successful upgrade.
OgUiSetRoles::prepareRow in og_ui/includes/migrate/7000/
Default implementation of prepareRow(). This method is called from the source plugin upon first pulling the raw data from the source.
og_handler_field_group_permissions::pre_render in includes/views/handlers/
Run before any fields are rendered.
og_register_og_membership_state_validate in og_register/og_register.module
Validate handler; Set the state according to the "subscribe" permissions of the group.
og_roles_override in ./og.module
Create new roles, based on the default roles and permissions.
og_ui_admin_permissions in og_ui/
Menu callback: administer permissions.
og_user_access in ./og.module
Determine whether a user has a given privilege.