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11 calls to og_get_entity_groups() in Organic groups 7

OgGroupApi::testGetEntityGroups in ./og.test
Test the og_get_entity_groups() API function.
OgGroupAudienceField::testHiddenSelectedGids in ./og.test
Test re-adding hidden and selected group IDs.
OgGroupMembership::testGroupMembershipCrud in ./og.test
Test group group membership create, update and delete.
OgGroupMembership::testUserEdit in ./og.test
Test re-saving user with pending membership.
og_access_node_access_records in og_access/og_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
og_access_node_grants in og_access/og_access.module
Implements hook_node_grants().
og_field_audience_options in ./
Get an array of allowed values for OG audience field.
og_group_from_node_context in plugins/relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context.
og_is_member in ./og.module
Return TRUE if entity belongs to a group.
og_user_access_entity in ./og.module
Check if a user has access to a permission on a certain entity context.
_group_context_handler_entity in og_context/og_context.module
Helper function to get group context from an entity.