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Functions in Organic groups 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
og_notifications_user_unsubscribe modules/og_notifications/og_notifications.module Unsubscribe a user from a group. This also unsubscribes the user from any grouptype subscriptions within the group. 2
og_og ./og.module Implementation of hook_og().
og_og_create_links ./og.module Implementation of hook_og_create_links().
og_opml ./og.module Page callback for og/opml. 1
og_page_activity ./ 1
og_perm ./og.module Implementation of hook_perm().
og_preprocess_node ./og.module Preprocessor for Node template.
og_preprocess_og_mission ./og.module Preprocessor for OG Mission template.
og_preprocess_page ./og.module Preprocessor for Page template.
og_presave_group ./og.module Process group before saving to database. 1
og_promote_user_action modules/og_actions/og_actions.module A configurable action to promote a user to a group administrator.
og_promote_user_action_form modules/og_actions/og_actions.module Configuration form for Promote User action.
og_promote_user_action_submit modules/og_actions/og_actions.module Submission handler for Promote User action configuration form.
og_readme ./og.module Generate a link to the OG Readme. 4
og_remove_admin_confirm ./ OG remove admin form 1
og_remove_admin_confirm_submit ./ Confirm og remove admin form
og_remove_groups_action modules/og_actions/og_actions.module Action to remove a node from all groups. Requires actions.module.
og_remove_group_action modules/og_actions/og_actions.module A configurable action to remove a node from specific groups in og. Requires actions.module
og_remove_group_action_form modules/og_actions/og_actions.module Configuration form for Remove Group action.
og_remove_group_action_submit modules/og_actions/og_actions.module Submit handler for Remove Group action configuration.
og_requirements ./og.install
og_rules_action_add_group_node includes/ Action:Add group node settings to content.
og_rules_action_add_group_node_form includes/ Action:Add group node settings to content form.
og_rules_action_audience_add_group includes/ Action: add group to audience of content.
og_rules_action_audience_remove_group includes/ Action: remove group from audience of content.
og_rules_action_info includes/ Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
og_rules_action_remove_user includes/ Action: Unsubscribe user from group.
og_rules_action_subscribe_user includes/ Action: Subscribe user to group.
og_rules_action_subscribe_user_form includes/ Action: Subscribe user to group form.
og_rules_condition_content_is_group includes/ Condition: Content is a group node.
og_rules_condition_content_is_group_post includes/ Condition: Content is a group post.
og_rules_condition_info includes/ Implementation of hook_rules_condition_info().
og_rules_condition_user_in_group includes/ Condition: User is group member.
og_rules_condition_user_in_group_form includes/ Condition: User is group member.
og_rules_events_argument_og_node includes/ Handler to get the group node. 1
og_rules_events_argument_og_user includes/ Handler to get the user. 1
og_rules_events_hook_og_arguments includes/ Describes the arguments available for the og_hook(). 1
og_rules_event_info includes/ Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
og_save_ancestry ./og.module Save affiliations of a group post. 1
og_save_subscription ./og.module Save changes to a user's group membership. 14
og_schema ./og.install Definition of hook_schema();
og_selective_map ./og.module Form-friendly options for selective "user join policy" workflow. 2
og_set_group_context ./og.module API function to set the group context for the current request. 6
og_set_language ./og.module Set the language for the page based on group's language. 1
og_set_theme ./og.module API function; Set the theme for the current request. 1
og_subscribe ./ 1
og_subscriber_count_link ./og.module Determine the number of active and pending members and the current user's membership state. 1
og_subscribe_link Deprecated ./og.module Generate a link to join or request to join the specified group.
og_subscribe_user ./og.module Create a new membership for a given user to given group. 3
og_subscribe_user_action modules/og_actions/og_actions.module A configurable action to subscribe a user to specific groups.


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