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README.txt in Organic groups 6.2

Enable users to create and manage their own 'groups'. Each group can have
members, and maintains a group home page where members can post into. Posts may
be placed into multiple groups (i.e. cross-posting) and individual posts may be
shared with non-members or not. Membership to groups may be open, closed,
moderated, or invitation only. Add-on modules are available for group image
galleries, group calendars, group vocabulary, group stores, and so on.

Groups may choose their own theme and language. Groups have RSS feeds and email
notifications and so on. Group admins may customize the layout and contents of
their group home page and add additional custom pages (requires the upcoming OG
Panels module).

- Enable the Organic groups and Organic groups Views integration modules. If you
  want to protect some posts so that only certain users may view them, enable
  the 'Organic Groups access control' module as well. Please make sure OG is
  working well on its own before enabling other OG related modules.
- On the Administer > Organic groups configuration page, see the content types
  table at the top. Click edit beside each type to set its 'usage'. Disable
  comments and attachments for node types which are designated as group nodes.
  You usually want to create a new node type via admin/content/types page and
  then designate that content type as a group node. See the first item in NOTES
- Set other preferences on admin/og/og as desired. It may take some
  experimenting before you arrive at a configuration well suited to your needs.
- On the Administer › Site building > Blocks page, enable the 'Group details'
  and drag it toward the top of your list. Optionally enable the other 'Group'
- Grant permissions as needed on the admin/user/permission page 
- Begin creating groups (visit the node/add page), joining those groups, and
  posting into those groups. The join link appears in the Group details block,
  for non invite-only groups.
- Consider enabling the following modules which work well with OG: Pathauto,
  Locale, Notifications. After your install is working nicely, consider enabling
  more og add-on modules like og_mandatory_group, og_vocab, and og_panels. Those
  are known to work well with OG. Some of the others on are poorly
  integrated and will cause problems.

- This module supports designating any content type to act as a group. This
  content type should be defined by a custom module or via the
  admin/content/types page. When defining your type, you usually want the title
  label to be 'Group name' and the body label to be 'Welcome message'. Since all
  nodes of this type are treated as groups, you will usually not want to
  designate the standard page, story, or book node types as groups. The feature
  where custom content types may act as groups enables you to have custom fields
  for your groups and even different CCK fields for different kinds of groups
  (i.e. content types). 
- There are a few handy tabs at the path 'group'. You might want to add a link
  in your Navigation to that url. Each tab also provides a useful RSS feed.
- 'Administer nodes' permission is required for changing the Manager of a group
  (do so by changing the posts' Author.)
- 'Administer nodes' permission enables viewing of all nodes regardless of
  private/public status.
- All membership management happens on the 'membership list' page which is
  linked from the group details Block (while viewing a group page). This
  includes approving membership requests (for selective groups), adding/removing
  users and promoting users into group admins.
- If you decide to stop using Organic groups, just disable it as usual. If you
  ever decide to re-enable, all your prior group access control information will
  be restored. If you want to start fresh, uninstall og, og_views and og_access

- You may craft your own URLs which produce useful behavior. For example,
  user/register?gids[]=4 will add a checked checkbox for to the user's
  registration page for subscribing to group nid=4. This feature overrides the
  usual preference for groups to always appear during registration.
- You may alter the links in the group details block using
  hook_og_links_alter($links, $group_node). See og_block_details().
- The current group context is available to javascript code at
  Drupal.settings.og. This is useful for enriching ad tags and analytics calls
  with group information.
- Use Views Bulk Operations module to mass update user memberships and also
  content affiliations.

You may wish to stylize nodes which have properties assigned by this module.
--- public vs. private posts are denoted by $node->og_public (og_access provides
    private posts)
--- provided in this package are two template files which are in use by default
    for both groups and group posts. These can be starting points for your
    customization of look and feel of your group. To customize, copy one or both
    to your theme directory and edit as desired. Your theme directory must also
    implement node.tpl.php for your overrides to be recognized. Or you might use
    the og_panels module to achieve custom group homepages (and other group
    pages) that group admins can design themselves.

- I recommend enabling the cron features of Notifications/Messaging modules.
  When you do, group email notifications are sent during cron runs, instead of
  immediately after a post is submitted. This speeds up posting a lot, for big
  groups. The delay also helps authors fix typos in their posts before the mail
  is sent.
- This module exposes an API for retrieving and managing membership via direct
  PHP functions [og_save_subscription()] and via XMLRPC.

This module comes with a few unit tests. Please help update and build more of
them. See

- See Please search before filing issues in
  order to prevent duplicates.

- The upgrade auto-enables the new og_views module. This is needed to get the
  same functionality that was present in D5.
- There is no support for migrating custom Views. Please redo those in Views2.
  You might need to use a Relationship.
- Group members block (og/2) block is now served by Views:
- Group search is now in its own block which must be enabled manually. It used
  to be integrated into the Group details block.

- You must update to 5.x before updating to 6.

Authored and maintained by Moshe Weitzman <weitzman AT tejasa DOT com>
Contributors: Gerhard Killesreiter, Angie Byron, Derek Wright, Thomas Ilsche,
              Ted Serbinski, damien_vancouver
Sponsored by Bryght -
Sponsored by Broadband Mechanics -
Sponsored by Finnish Broadcasting Company -
Sponsored by Post Carbon Institute -


View source
  2. --------------------------
  3. Enable users to create and manage their own 'groups'. Each group can have
  4. members, and maintains a group home page where members can post into. Posts may
  5. be placed into multiple groups (i.e. cross-posting) and individual posts may be
  6. shared with non-members or not. Membership to groups may be open, closed,
  7. moderated, or invitation only. Add-on modules are available for group image
  8. galleries, group calendars, group vocabulary, group stores, and so on.
  9. Groups may choose their own theme and language. Groups have RSS feeds and email
  10. notifications and so on. Group admins may customize the layout and contents of
  11. their group home page and add additional custom pages (requires the upcoming OG
  12. Panels module).
  14. ---------------
  15. - Enable the Organic groups and Organic groups Views integration modules. If you
  16. want to protect some posts so that only certain users may view them, enable
  17. the 'Organic Groups access control' module as well. Please make sure OG is
  18. working well on its own before enabling other OG related modules.
  19. - On the Administer > Organic groups configuration page, see the content types
  20. table at the top. Click edit beside each type to set its 'usage'. Disable
  21. comments and attachments for node types which are designated as group nodes.
  22. You usually want to create a new node type via admin/content/types page and
  23. then designate that content type as a group node. See the first item in NOTES
  24. below.
  25. - Set other preferences on admin/og/og as desired. It may take some
  26. experimenting before you arrive at a configuration well suited to your needs.
  27. - On the Administer › Site building > Blocks page, enable the 'Group details'
  28. and drag it toward the top of your list. Optionally enable the other 'Group'
  29. blocks.
  30. - Grant permissions as needed on the admin/user/permission page
  31. - Begin creating groups (visit the node/add page), joining those groups, and
  32. posting into those groups. The join link appears in the Group details block,
  33. for non invite-only groups.
  34. - Consider enabling the following modules which work well with OG: Pathauto,
  35. Locale, Notifications. After your install is working nicely, consider enabling
  36. more og add-on modules like og_mandatory_group, og_vocab, and og_panels. Those
  37. are known to work well with OG. Some of the others on are poorly
  38. integrated and will cause problems.
  39. See
  40. NOTES
  41. ----------------
  42. - This module supports designating any content type to act as a group. This
  43. content type should be defined by a custom module or via the
  44. admin/content/types page. When defining your type, you usually want the title
  45. label to be 'Group name' and the body label to be 'Welcome message'. Since all
  46. nodes of this type are treated as groups, you will usually not want to
  47. designate the standard page, story, or book node types as groups. The feature
  48. where custom content types may act as groups enables you to have custom fields
  49. for your groups and even different CCK fields for different kinds of groups
  50. (i.e. content types).
  51. - There are a few handy tabs at the path 'group'. You might want to add a link
  52. in your Navigation to that url. Each tab also provides a useful RSS feed.
  53. - 'Administer nodes' permission is required for changing the Manager of a group
  54. (do so by changing the posts' Author.)
  55. - 'Administer nodes' permission enables viewing of all nodes regardless of
  56. private/public status.
  57. - All membership management happens on the 'membership list' page which is
  58. linked from the group details Block (while viewing a group page). This
  59. includes approving membership requests (for selective groups), adding/removing
  60. users and promoting users into group admins.
  61. - If you decide to stop using Organic groups, just disable it as usual. If you
  62. ever decide to re-enable, all your prior group access control information will
  63. be restored. If you want to start fresh, uninstall og, og_views and og_access
  64. modules.
  66. ------------------
  67. - You may craft your own URLs which produce useful behavior. For example,
  68. user/register?gids[]=4 will add a checked checkbox for to the user's
  69. registration page for subscribing to group nid=4. This feature overrides the
  70. usual preference for groups to always appear during registration.
  71. - You may alter the links in the group details block using
  72. hook_og_links_alter($links, $group_node). See og_block_details().
  73. - The current group context is available to javascript code at
  74. Drupal.settings.og. This is useful for enriching ad tags and analytics calls
  75. with group information.
  76. - Use Views Bulk Operations module to mass update user memberships and also
  77. content affiliations.
  78. THEMES
  79. ------------------
  80. You may wish to stylize nodes which have properties assigned by this module.
  81. --- public vs. private posts are denoted by $node->og_public (og_access provides
  82. private posts)
  83. --- provided in this package are two template files which are in use by default
  84. for both groups and group posts. These can be starting points for your
  85. customization of look and feel of your group. To customize, copy one or both
  86. to your theme directory and edit as desired. Your theme directory must also
  87. implement node.tpl.php for your overrides to be recognized. Or you might use
  88. the og_panels module to achieve custom group homepages (and other group
  89. pages) that group admins can design themselves.
  91. ---------------------
  92. - I recommend enabling the cron features of Notifications/Messaging modules.
  93. When you do, group email notifications are sent during cron runs, instead of
  94. immediately after a post is submitted. This speeds up posting a lot, for big
  95. groups. The delay also helps authors fix typos in their posts before the mail
  96. is sent.
  97. - This module exposes an API for retrieving and managing membership via direct
  98. PHP functions [og_save_subscription()] and via XMLRPC.
  100. ----------------------
  101. This module comes with a few unit tests. Please help update and build more of
  102. them. See
  104. ----------------
  105. - See Please search before filing issues in
  106. order to prevent duplicates.
  107. UPGRADING FROM 5.0 TO 6.x
  108. -----------------
  109. - The upgrade auto-enables the new og_views module. This is needed to get the
  110. same functionality that was present in D5.
  111. - There is no support for migrating custom Views. Please redo those in Views2.
  112. You might need to use a Relationship.
  113. - Group members block (og/2) block is now served by Views:
  114. views/og_members_block-block_1
  115. - Group search is now in its own block which must be enabled manually. It used
  116. to be integrated into the Group details block.
  117. UPGRADING FROM 4.7 TO 5.x
  118. -----------------
  119. - You must update to 5.x before updating to 6.
  120. CREDITS
  121. ----------------------------
  122. Authored and maintained by Moshe Weitzman
  123. Contributors: Gerhard Killesreiter, Angie Byron, Derek Wright, Thomas Ilsche,
  124. Ted Serbinski, damien_vancouver
  125. Sponsored by Bryght -
  126. Sponsored by Broadband Mechanics -
  127. Sponsored by Finnish Broadcasting Company -
  128. Sponsored by Post Carbon Institute -