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function theme_oh_formatter_display in Office Hours 5

Theme function for date node display

1 theme call to theme_oh_formatter_display()
office_hours_field_formatter in ./office_hours.module
implementation of hook_field_formatter Prepare an individual item for viewing in a browser.


./office_hours.module, line 537
Creates a field and widget for inserting working or office hours per day


function theme_oh_formatter_display($day, $strhrs, $endhrs, $display) {
  $display = !isset($display) ? 'show' : $display;
  return '<div class="oh-display"><span class="oh-display-day-' . $display . '">' . $day . '</span>
 <span class="oh-display-start">' . $strhrs . '</span>
 <span class="oh-display-separator"> - </span>
 <span class="oh-display-end">' . $endhrs . '</span></div>';