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function office_hours_field in Office Hours 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 office_hours.module \office_hours_field()
  2. 6 office_hours.module \office_hours_field()

implementation of hook_field Define the behavior of a field type.


$op: What kind of action is being performed. Possible values.

&$node: The node the action is being performed on. This argument is passed by reference for performance only; do not modify it.

$field: The field the action is being performed on.

&$node_field: The contents of the field in this node. Changes to this variable will be saved back to the node object.

Return value

This varies depending on the operation.

  • The "load" operation should return an object containing extra values to be merged into the node object.
  • The "view" operation should return a string containing an HTML representation of the field data.
  • The "insert", "update", "delete", "validate", and "submit" operations have no return value.

In most cases, only "validate" operations is relevant ; the rest have default implementations in content_field() that usually suffice.


./office_hours.module, line 210
Creates a field and widget for inserting working or office hours per day


function office_hours_field($op, &$node, $field, &$node_field, $teaser, $page) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':
      $context = $teaser ? 'teaser' : 'full';
      $formatter = isset($field['display_settings'][$context]['format']) ? $field['display_settings'][$context]['format'] : 'default';
      $items = array();
      foreach ($node_field as $delta => $item) {
        $items[$delta]['view'] = content_format($field, $item, $formatter, $node);
      return theme('field', $node, $field, $items, $teaser, $page);
    case 'validate':
      if ($field['valhrs'] == 1) {
        if (is_array($node_field)) {
          foreach ($node_field as $delta => $item) {
            $error_field = $field['field_name'] . '][' . $delta . '][endhours';
            $starthours = tf_to_mil($item['starthours']);
            $endhours = tf_to_mil($item['endhours']);
            if ($starthours >= $endhours) {
              form_set_error($error_field, t('Closing hours are earlier than opening hours'));