function _office_hours_block_process in Office Hours 7
Process an individual element.
Build the form element. When creating a form using FAPI #process, note that $element['#value'] is already set.
1 string reference to '_office_hours_block_process'
- office_hours_element_info in ./
office_hours.module - Implements FAPI hook_element_info().
- includes/, line 16 - Office hours form elements and their theming and validation.
function _office_hours_block_process($element, &$form_state, $form) {
$element['#prefix'] = '';
$element['#suffix'] = '';
$has_comment = isset($element['#field_settings']['comment']) ? $element['#field_settings']['comment'] : FALSE;
$blocks_per_day = $element['#field_settings']['cardinality'];
$daydelta = $element['#daydelta'];
$day = $element['#day'];
$same_link = '';
if ($daydelta == 0) {
// This is the first block of the day, show the dayname.
$label = t($element['#dayname']);
$label_style = '';
$block_style = '';
// Add 'Same as above' link, also for first day in widget, which copies from last day.
$same_link_text = t($day != $element['#field_settings']['date_first_day'] ? 'Same as above' : 'Same as last day');
$same_link = l($same_link_text, '', array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'oh-same-link',
elseif ($daydelta >= $blocks_per_day) {
// In case the number of blocks per day was lowered by admin, this element
// may have a value. Better clear it (in case a value was entered before).
// The value will be removed upon the next 'Save' action.
$label = '';
$label_style = '';
// The following style is only needed if js isn't working.
$block_style = 'style = "display:none;"';
if (empty($element['#value'])) {
$element['#value'] = array();
$element['#value']['starthours'] = '';
$element['#value']['endhours'] = '';
// The following class is the trigger for js to hide the row.
$element['#prefix'] .= "<div class='oh-hide'>";
$element['#suffix'] .= '</div>';
elseif (!empty($element['#value']['starthours'])) {
// This is a following block with contents, so we show the times.
$label = t('and');
$label_style = 'style = "text-align:right;"';
$block_style = '';
else {
// This is an empty following block, so we show the 'add hours' js-link.
$label = t('and');
$label_style = 'style = "text-align:right;"';
$block_style = 'style = "display:none;"';
$link = l(t('Add new @node_type', array(
'@node_type' => t('Time'),
'%type' => 'Time',
)), '', array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'oh-add-more-link',
$element['#prefix'] .= $link;
$element['#prefix'] .= '<div class="form-item office-hours-block" ' . $block_style . ' data-day="' . $day . '">';
$element['#prefix'] .= '<label ' . $label_style . '>' . $label . '</label>';
// Show a 'Clear this line' js-link to each element.
// Use text 'Remove', which has lots of translations.
$clear_link = l(t('Remove'), '', array(
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'oh-clear-link',
$element['#suffix'] .= '<div>' . $clear_link . ' ' . $same_link . '</div>';
$element['#suffix'] .= '</div>';
// class="form-item office-hours-block ".
$element['day'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $element['#day'],
$element['daydelta'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $element['#daydelta'],
$element['starthours'] = array(
'#type' => 'office_hours_select',
'#default_value' => isset($element['#value']['starthours']) ? $element['#value']['starthours'] : NULL,
'#field_settings' => $element['#field_settings'],
$element['endhours'] = array(
'#type' => 'office_hours_select',
'#prefix' => t("@from to @to", array(
'@from' => '',
'@to' => '',
'#default_value' => isset($element['#value']['endhours']) ? $element['#value']['endhours'] : NULL,
'#field_settings' => $element['#field_settings'],
$element['comment'] = array(
'#type' => $has_comment ? 'textfield' : 'hidden',
'#prefix' => $has_comment ? t('Comment') . ' ' : '',
'#default_value' => isset($element['#value']['comment']) ? $element['#value']['comment'] : NULL,
'#size' => 25,
'#maxlength' => 255,
return $element;