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function oauth2_server_init in OAuth2 Server 7

Implements hook_init().

Nags the user about the missing library on OAuth2 admin pages.


./oauth2_server.module, line 13
Provides OAuth2 server functionality.


function oauth2_server_init() {
  $item = menu_get_item();
  if ($item['access'] && strpos($item['path'], 'admin/structure/oauth2-servers') === 0) {
    $path = oauth2_server_get_library_path();

    // Check for the existence of one file from the library.
    if (!$path || !file_exists($path . '/src/OAuth2/Server.php')) {
      $message = t('The OAuth2 server library is required for the OAuth2 module to function.
        Download the library from <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a> and place it in <em>!path</em>.', array(
        '!path' => $path,
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');