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public static function DrupalOAuthToken::loadByKey in OAuth 1.0 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.4 includes/ \DrupalOAuthToken::loadByKey()
  2. 7.3 includes/ \DrupalOAuthToken::loadByKey()

Gets the token with the specified key


string $key: The key of the token to get

boolean|object $consumer: The consumer for which to fetch a token or FALSE to fetch a provider token

int $type: Used internally for backwards compatibility with ::load()

Return value

DrupalOAuthToken The loaded token object or FALSE if load failed

7 calls to DrupalOAuthToken::loadByKey()
DrupalOAuthClient::getAccessToken in includes/
Fetches the access token using the request token.
DrupalOAuthDataStore::lookup_token in includes/
Check if the token exists.
DrupalOAuthToken::load in includes/
Deprecated - Gets the token with the specified key
oauth_common_context_from_request in ./oauth_common.module
Loads the context for a request.
oauth_common_form_authorize in ./
Form for granting access to the consumer

... See full list


includes/, line 159




public static function loadByKey($key, $consumer = FALSE, $type = OAUTH_COMMON_TOKEN_TYPE_ACCESS) {
  $fields = 't.*';
  $join = '';
  $where = "t.key_hash = '%s'";
  $values = array(
    ':key_hash' => sha1($key),

  // Only add if defined - needed for backwards compatibility with deprecated DrupalOAuthToken::load() from 6.x-3.0-beta3
  if ($type !== FALSE) {
    $where .= ' AND t.type = %d';
    $values[':type'] = $type;
  if (!$consumer || is_object($consumer) && $consumer->provider_consumer) {
    $fields .= ', pt.created, pt.changed,, pt.authorized';
    $join = 'INNER JOIN {oauth_common_provider_token} pt ON pt.tid = t.tid';

  // Only fetch non-provider tokens - needed for backwards compatibility with deprecated DrupalOAuthToken::load() from 6.x-3.0-beta3
  if ($consumer === TRUE) {
    $join = 'LEFT JOIN {oauth_common_provider_token} pt ON pt.tid = t.tid';
    $where .= ' AND pt.tid IS NULL';
  else {
    if ($consumer) {
      $where .= ' AND t.csid = %d';
      $values[':consumer'] = $consumer->csid;
  return self::fromResult(db_query("SELECT " . $fields . " FROM {oauth_common_token} t " . $join . " WHERE " . $where, $values), $consumer);