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Functions in OAuth 1.0 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
oauth_commmon_is_provider ./oauth_common.module Check if oauth_common is acting as a provider. 1
oauth_common_add_consumer ./ Menu system callback for the add consumer page. 1
oauth_common_add_context ./ Handle the add context page. 1
oauth_common_ahah_add_auth_level ./ Menu system callback for adding auth levels 1
oauth_common_ahah_secret ./ AHAH callback to retrieve the secret of OAuth objects. 1
oauth_common_authorization_add ./ 1
oauth_common_callback_access_token ./ Get a access token for the request 1
oauth_common_callback_request_token ./ Generate a request token from the request. 1
oauth_common_can_authorize_consumer ./oauth_common.module Access callback that checks if a user may create authorizations in the consumers context. 1
oauth_common_can_create_consumers ./oauth_common.module Deterines if a user has the necessary permissions to create consumers. 1
oauth_common_can_edit_consumer ./oauth_common.module Checks if the user has permission to edit the consumer. Edit access is granted if the user has the 'administer consumers' permission or may edit the account connected to the consumer. 1 1
oauth_common_consumer_load ./oauth_common.module Menu system wildcard loader for provider consumers.
oauth_common_context_delete ./oauth_common.module Remove an context. 1
oauth_common_context_export ./oauth_common.module Export an context. 1 2
oauth_common_context_from_request ./oauth_common.module Loads the context for a request. 3
oauth_common_context_list ./oauth_common.module Lists all available contexts. 3 2
oauth_common_context_load ./oauth_common.module Load a single context. 9
oauth_common_context_load_all ./oauth_common.module Load all contexts. 2
oauth_common_context_new ./oauth_common.module Create a new context with defaults appropriately set from schema. 2
oauth_common_context_save ./oauth_common.module Saves an context in the database. 2
oauth_common_cron ./oauth_common.module Implementation of hook_cron().
oauth_common_default_oauth_common_context ./oauth_common.module Implementation of hook_oauth_default_contexts().
oauth_common_delete_confirm_context ./ Provide a form to confirm deletion of a context. 1
oauth_common_delete_confirm_context_submit ./ Handle the submit button to delete a context.
oauth_common_edit_consumer ./ Menu system callback for the edit consumer page. 1
oauth_common_edit_context ./ Edit an context. 1 1
oauth_common_edit_form_auth_level ./ Helper function for constructing a auth level fieldset. 2
oauth_common_edit_form_context ./ Form to edit the settings of an context. 1
oauth_common_edit_form_context_submit ./ Process submission of the mini panel edit form.
oauth_common_edit_form_context_validate ./ Validate submission of the preset edit form.
oauth_common_enable ./oauth_common.install Implementation of hook_enable().
oauth_common_export_context ./ Page callback to export a context to PHP code. 1
oauth_common_form_authorization ./ 2
oauth_common_form_authorization_delete ./ 1
oauth_common_form_authorization_delete_submit ./
oauth_common_form_authorization_submit ./
oauth_common_form_authorize ./ Form for granting access to the consumer 1
oauth_common_form_authorize_submit ./ Form submit handler that grants access to the consumer
oauth_common_form_authorize_validate ./ Validation of the form for granting access to the consumer
oauth_common_form_consumer ./ The consumer form that is shared by the add and edit page. 2
oauth_common_form_consumer_delete ./ Consumer deletion form. 1
oauth_common_form_consumer_delete_submit ./ Submit handler for oauth_common_form_consumer_delete.
oauth_common_form_consumer_submit ./ Submit handler for oauth_common_form_consumer.
oauth_common_get_request_token ./oauth_common.module Gets a request token from a oauth provider and returns the authorization url. The request token is saved in the database.
oauth_common_get_user_provider_tokens ./oauth_common.module Gets the tokens for a user. 1
oauth_common_install ./oauth_common.install Implementation of hook_install().
oauth_common_list_context ./ Output a list of contexts. 1
oauth_common_menu ./oauth_common.module Implementation of hook_menu().
oauth_common_page_authorized ./ Menu callback for when something has been authorized - used in both client and provider flow 1
oauth_common_page_user_authorizations ./ @file Functions related to a user's authorization section 1


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