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function oa_related_preprocess_entity in Open Atrium Related Content 7.2

Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().

Pre-process theme variables for various paragraph item types.


./oa_related.module, line 466


function oa_related_preprocess_entity(&$vars) {
  if ($vars['entity_type'] == 'paragraphs_item') {
    $field_name = NULL;
    $info = oa_related_get_paragraph_field_info();
    $value = NULL;
    $paragraph_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('paragraphs_item', $vars['paragraphs_item']);
    $vars['oa_related_content'] = '';
    foreach ($info as $field_name => $bundle) {
      foreach ($bundle as $bundle_name => $data) {
        if ($paragraph_wrapper->bundle
          ->value() == $bundle_name) {
          if (isset($paragraph_wrapper->{$field_name})) {
            $value = $paragraph_wrapper->{$field_name}
          if (isset($data['render callback'])) {
            if (is_array($data['render callback'])) {
              foreach ($data['render callback'] as $function) {
                if (function_exists($function)) {

                  // Call the function that will allow pre-processing for this layout selection.
                  $function($vars, $bundle_name, $field_name, $value);

                  // This allows other modules to alter the '$variables' array after we are done with it. If you want to
                  // completely override it then use drupal_alter: "hook_oa_related_field_info_alter()" and
                  // replace the 'render callback'.
                  drupal_alter($function, $vars, $bundle_name, $field_name, $value);
            else {
              $function = $data['render callback'];
              if (function_exists($function)) {

                // Call the function that will allow pre-processing for this layout selection.
                $function($vars, $bundle_name, $field_name, $value);

                // This allows other modules to alter the '$variables' array after we are done with it. If you want to
                // completely override it then use drupal_alter: "hook_oa_related_field_info_alter()" and
                // replace the 'render callback'.
                drupal_alter($function, $vars, $bundle_name, $field_name, $value);