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Functions in Open Atrium Files 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
oa_files_actions plugins/content_types/ Return a list of default actions 2
oa_files_addmenu_callback ./oa_files.module Ajax Callback for adding a new document within a menu (folder) 1
oa_files_addterm_callback ./oa_files.module Ajax Callback for adding a new taxonomy term (folder) 1
oa_files_add_file_links plugins/content_types/ Add info about each file in files 1
oa_files_add_other_nodes plugins/content_types/ Helper function to fetch all nodes that use the "also visible on X space" 2
oa_files_add_uncategorized plugins/content_types/ Return array of files that are not categorized into the OG menu for this section 1
oa_files_admin_paths ./oa_files.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
oa_files_apply_filters plugins/content_types/ Helper function to modify a query to add the Space and Section filters 2
oa_files_create_document ./oa_files.module Creates a document from a file. 1
oa_files_ctools_plugin_api ./ Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
oa_files_ctools_plugin_directory ./oa_files.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
oa_files_ctools_test ./oa_files.module Test page callback to display add files ctools link. 1
oa_files_default_command_button ./ Implements hook_default_command_button().
oa_files_download_uri ./oa_files.module Return a file download link with token Copied from file_entity but we don't want to load a full file node 2
oa_files_find_document ./oa_files.module Find the document that may correspond to a given file. 1
oa_files_find_document_for_existing_document ./oa_files.module Find the documents that reference current file. 1
oa_files_form_alter ./oa_files.module Implements hook_form_alter().
oa_files_get_vocab_options plugins/content_types/ Helper function to determine which vocabularies are allowed on this content type 1
oa_files_include_js ./oa_files.module Include JS. 2 1
oa_files_install ./oa_files.install Implements hook_install().
oa_files_install_section_type ./oa_files.install Create the Calendar Section taxonomy term. 2
oa_files_menu ./oa_files.module Implements hook_menu().
oa_files_menu_alter ./oa_files.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
oa_files_page_alter ./oa_files.module Implements hook_page_alter().
oa_files_panelizer_defaults ./ Implements hook_panelizer_defaults().
oa_files_prepare_files_from_files ./oa_files.module Helper function to create files array needed by angular app from an array of Drupal files 1
oa_files_prepare_files_from_menu plugins/content_types/ Return files flat array of nodes with parent pointers from a menu tree 1
oa_files_prepare_files_from_terms plugins/content_types/ Return files flat array of nodes with parent pointers from a vocab 1
oa_files_prepare_files_from_vocab plugins/content_types/ Return files flat array of nodes with parent pointers from a vocab 1
oa_files_redirect_submit ./oa_files.module Submit handler for saving wiki node when a ?destination=xyz is set in the creation URL.
oa_files_section_filter plugins/content_types/ Helper function to return the filtered Section id 2
oa_files_showfield plugins/content_types/ Helper function to determine if a given field is being displayed in the conf options 3
oa_files_space_filter plugins/content_types/ Helper function to return the filtered Space id 2
oa_files_summary plugins/content_types/ Helper function to return summary or trimmed body 2
oa_files_theme ./oa_files.module Implements hook_theme().
oa_files_treeview_render plugins/content_types/ Run-time rendering of the body of the pane. 1
oa_files_treeview_settings_form plugins/content_types/ Empty config form 2
oa_files_treeview_settings_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Saves changes to the widget.
oa_files_update_7001 ./oa_files.install Create Files Section type
oa_files_update_document ./oa_files.module Update a document to a new file. 1
oa_files_upload_create_documents_form ./oa_files.module Form callback; Create multiple documents. 1
oa_files_upload_create_documents_form_page ./oa_files.module Page callback to return the create documents. 1
oa_files_upload_create_documents_form_submit ./oa_files.module Submit callback that creates or updates documents.
oa_files_upload_multi_load ./oa_files.module Load callback for %media_multi placeholder in menu paths.
oa_files_vocab_ajax plugins/content_types/ Ajax callback when selecting content type for vocab 1
template_preprocess_oa_files_dialog_page ./oa_files.module Add messages to the page.
_oa_files_get_redirect_options ./oa_files.module Helper function to get options for redirect.
_oa_files_themename plugins/content_types/ Helper function to return the text theme name for a given oa_files view mode 1

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