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7 uses of OA_SPACE_FIELD in Open Atrium Core 7.2

oa_core_form_node_form_alter in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() node_form.
oa_core_members_widget_render in plugins/content_types/
Main render function for oa_core_members_widget.
oa_core_node_grants in includes/
Implements hook_node_grants(). Define node access grant realm for Open Atrium sections
oa_core_node_prepare in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_node_prepare().
oa_core_tokens in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_tokens().
oa_core_visibility_data in includes/
Utility function to return visibility data for a given node $data['public'] TRUE if node is public, FALSE if private $data['title'] either "Public" or "Private" $data['accessors']['group']…
_oa_core_build_visibility_links in includes/
Helper function, builds links for the various visibility fields on content.