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12 uses of OA_GROUP_TYPE in Open Atrium Core 7.2

oa_core_get_groups_by_user in includes/
Get the group IDs of all the groups a user is an approved member of.
oa_core_get_public_spaces in includes/
Get a list of public spaces.
oa_core_list_content_types in includes/
Returns a list of group-content types throughout the system. List leaves out content types excluded by other modules/apps.
oa_core_members_widget_render in plugins/content_types/
Main render function for oa_core_members_widget.
oa_core_node_delete_redirect in ./oa_core.module
Helper to redirect to proper landing page after content deletion
oa_core_node_insert in includes/
Implements hook_node_insert().
oa_core_node_update in includes/
Implements hook_node_update().
oa_core_og_subgroups_is_parent_private_alter in includes/
Implements hook_og_subgroups_is_parent_private_alter(). Handle special Atrium case where a private Group Parent does not make a public space private. Only having a private SPACE Parent makes a public space private.
oa_core_visibility_data in includes/
Utility function to return visibility data for a given node $data['public'] TRUE if node is public, FALSE if private $data['title'] either "Public" or "Private" $data['accessors']['group']…
oa_users_external_user_form_submit in modules/oa_users/plugins/content_types/
Submit handler for adding member.
oa_users_register_external_user_modal in modules/oa_users/plugins/content_types/
This is the page callback for "oa_users/add/%ctools_js/%node".
_oa_core_node_delete in includes/
Implements hook_node_delete().