function notify_admin_queue in Notify 7
Menu callback, show admin list of queue status.
2 string references to 'notify_admin_queue'
- notify_admin_queue_submit in ./ - Submit for the notify_admin_queue form.
- notify_menu in ./
notify.module - Implements hook_menu().
- ./, line 179 - Administrative pages callbacks for the Notify module.
function notify_admin_queue($form, &$form_state) {
$period = variable_get('notify_period', 86400);
$since = variable_get('notify_send_last', REQUEST_TIME - $period);
$lastdate = format_date($since, 'short');
$start = variable_get('notify_send_start', 0);
$startdate = format_date($start, 'short');
$notify_send_last = variable_get('notify_send_last', 0);
$next_last = _notify_next_notificaton($notify_send_last);
if ($next_last == -1) {
$batch_msg = t('No more notifications scheduled');
elseif ($next_last == 0) {
$batch_msg = t('The next notification is scheduled for the next cron run');
else {
$next = format_date($next_last, 'short');
$batch_msg = t('The next notification is scheduled for the first cron run after ') . $next;
$form = array();
$form['process'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Notification queue operations'),
'#default_value' => 0,
'#options' => array(
t('Send batch now'),
t('Truncate queue'),
t('Override timestamp'),
'#description' => t('Select “Send batch now” to send next batch of e-mails queued for notifications. Select “Truncate queue” to empty queue of pending notification <em>without</em> sending e-mails. Select “Override timestamp” to override the last notification timestamp. Press “Submit” to execute.'),
$send_last = format_date($notify_send_last, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
$form['lastdate'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Last notification timestamp'),
'#default_value' => $send_last,
'#size' => 19,
'#maxlength' => 19,
'#description' => t('To explicitly set the last notification timestamp, change the value of this field and select the “Override timestamp” option above, then press “Submit” to execute.'),
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Submit'),
$form['batch'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Status'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
list($np, $cp, $nn, $cn, $nu, $cu) = _notify_count();
$npcp = $np + $cp;
if ($npcp) {
$queue_msg = t('Notifications about at least !item queued', array(
'!item' => format_plural($npcp, '1 item is', '@count items are'),
else {
$queue_msg = t('No notifications queued');
$flagcnt = count(variable_get('notify_skip_nodes', array())) + count(variable_get('notify_skip_comments', array()));
if ($flagcnt) {
$skip_msg = t('!item flagged for skipping', array(
'!item' => format_plural($flagcnt, '1 item is', '@count items are'),
else {
$skip_msg = t('No item is flagged for skipping');
if ($np && $nu || $cp && $cu) {
$nonew_msg = '';
else {
$nonew_msg = t(', no notification about unpublished items are queued');
if ($nu + $cu) {
$unpub_msg = t('Unpublished: !nodeup and !commup', array(
'!nodeup' => format_plural($nu, '1 node', '@count nodes'),
'!commup' => format_plural($cu, '1 comment', '@count comments'),
)) . $nonew_msg;
else {
$unpub_msg = t('No unpublished items');
$sent = variable_get('notify_num_sent', 0);
$fail = variable_get('notify_num_failed', 0);
$batch_remain = count(variable_get('notify_users', array()));
$creat_msg = t('There are !nodes and !comms !created', array(
'!nodes' => format_plural($np, '1 node', '@count nodes'),
'!comms' => format_plural($cp, '1 comment', '@count comments'),
'!created' => variable_get('notify_include_updates', 0) ? t('updated') : t('created'),
if ($nn + $cn) {
$publ_msg = t(', and in addition !noderp and !commrp published,', array(
'!noderp' => format_plural($nn, '1 node', '@count nodes'),
'!commrp' => format_plural($cn, '1 comment', '@count comments'),
else {
$publ_msg = '';
if ($batch_remain) {
$intrv_msg = t('between !last and !start', array(
'!last' => $lastdate,
'!start' => $startdate,
$sent_msg = t('Batch not yet complete. So far !sent has been sent (!fail, !remain to go)', array(
'!sent' => format_plural($sent, '1 e-mail', '@count e-mails'),
'!fail' => format_plural($fail, '1 failure', '@count failures'),
'!remain' => format_plural($batch_remain, '1 user', '@count users'),
else {
$intrv_msg = t('since !last', array(
'!last' => $lastdate,
$sent_msg = t('Last batch:') . ' ';
if ($sent == 0) {
$sent_msg = t('No e-mails were sent');
else {
$sent_msg .= t('sent !sent', array(
'!sent' => format_plural($sent, '1 e-mail', '@count e-mails'),
if ($fail > 0) {
$sent_msg .= ', ' . t('!fail', array(
'!fail' => format_plural($fail, '1 failure', '@count failures'),
elseif ($sent) {
$sent_msg .= ', ' . t('no failures');
$mailsystem = variable_get('mail_system', NULL);
$ms = isset($mailsystem['default-system']) ? $mailsystem['default-system'] : t('system default');
$form['batch']['schedule'] = array(
'#markup' => $creat_msg . $publ_msg . ' ' . $intrv_msg . '.<br>' . $unpub_msg . '.<br>' . $queue_msg . '.<br>' . $skip_msg . '.<br>' . $sent_msg . '.<br>' . $batch_msg . '.<br>' . t('Default MailSystem: !mailsystem.', array(
'!mailsystem' => $ms,
return $form;