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README.txt in Notify 7



* Introduction
* Requirements
* Recommended modules
* Installation
* Permissions
* Configuration
  - Administration form
  - User's settings
* Troubleshooting
* Testing
* Related projects & alternatives
* Maintainers


Notify is a simple, lightweight module for sending e-mail
notifications about new content and comments posted on a Drupal web

* For a full description of the module, visit the project page:

* For more documentation about its use, visit the documentation page:

* To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:

If you enable node revisions (, the
notification e-mail will also mention the name of the last person to
edit the node.


This module requires a supported version of Drupal and cron to be


* Advanced help hint (
  Will link standard help text to online help and advanced help.

* Advanced help (
  When this module is enabled the administrator will have access to
  more extensive help.


1. Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal
   module. See: Installing modules
   for further information.

2. Check if you need to run the update script by visting the Status

3. Modify permissions on the People » Permissions page.

   To adminster the notify general settings, default settings and
   users grant the permission "administer notify".

   To adminster the queue (flush, truncate and skip flags), grant the
   permission "administer notify queue".

   To set the notification checkbox default on new user registration
   form, or let new users opt in for notifications during
   registration, you must grant the anonymous user the right to
   "access notify".  To allow users to control their own notification
   settings (recommended) you must also grant authenticated users the
   right to "access notify".

4. Configure the other general notification settings.

   See the "Administration form" section below for details.

Notify will not automatically subscribe anyone to notifications upon
installation.  Before anyone is subscribed, no notifications will be


To set up permissions for Notify navigate to: Administration » People
» Permissions.

There are four permissions:

1. access notify: to subscribe to and receive notifications when there is new content
2. administer notify: to administer general notify settings, default settings, and users
3. administer notify queue: to administer the notify queue operations
4. administer notify skip flags: to administer the notify skip flags


Administration form

The administrative interface is at: Administration » Configuration »
People » Notification settings.

There are five tabs:

1. Settings: All the main options for this module.
2. Queue: Operations on the notification queue.
3. Skip flags: Inspect the notification queue and flag postings to skip.
4. Defaults: Default settings for new users.
5. Users: Review and alter per-user settings.


The Settings tab allow you to configure how the module shall work.

You can specify how often notifications are sent, the hour to send
them (if the frequency is one day or greater), the number of failed
sends after which notifications are disabled, and the maximum number
of users to process out per cron run.

When setting how often notifications are sent, note that e-mail
updates can only happen as frequently as the cron is set to run.

To reset the count of failed sends to zero, look at the notification
settings in the user's profile and save it by pressing "Save settings"
(there is no need to change anything).

If you check "Include updated posts in notifications", any change to a
node or content will cause it to be included in the next notification.
Note that even minor changes, such as correcting a trivial typo or
setting or unsetting the "sticky" attribute for the node will flag it
as updated, so use this option with caution, or in combination with
skip flags (see below) in order to avoid excess notificatons.

If you check "Exclude contents from unverified authors from user
notifications", notify will not notify about postings from unverified
(i.e. anonymous) authors.  You need only care about this setting if
you permit postings from anonymous authors.  Even if you have spam
protection in the shape of CAPTCHA or other measures, you may
experience that some spammers still manage to post contents on your
site.  By checking this setting, you will at least save your
subscribers from being notified about spam.  As with most of these
settings, it doesn't apply to administrators. Even when checked
administrators will be notified, in order to intervene and delete the
spam before it gets much exposure.  Note that if you check this
setting, there is currently no way to keep track of the content that
is excluded due this setting.  If you use it, your users will never
receive any notification email about new content from unverified
authors.  That's not a bug, it is a feature.

If you check "Administrators shall be notified about unpublished
content", users belonging to roles with the "administer nodes" and
"administer comments" permissions granted will receive notifications
about unpublished content.  This is mainly to make the module useful
to manage moderation queues.

If you've set up a multilingual site, there should also be three radio
buttons that allow you to filter notifications about new nodes against
the user's language setting (it may be set by editing the user
profile).  The first setting ("All contents") will notify a user about
all new content on the site. If a piece of subscribed contents exists
in more than one language, all versions will be notified about.  The
setting "Contents in the user's preferred language + contents not yet
translated" will notify about content in the user's preferred language
and also about content that is in some other language if no
translation of it exists. The last setting, "Only contents in the
user's preferred language", will only notify about subscribed contents
in the user's preferred language.  However, please note that
subscribed contents that are marked as "language neutral" will always
be included in notifications.  The multilingual settings do not apply
to administrators.  Administrators will always be notified about all
new contents.  Note that if you use the second setting, contents that
is not in the user's preferred language will be excluded from the
notification if some translation of exists, even if that translation
is not to the user's preferred language.  To avoid this having
unexpected effects, when you provide translation of a node, you should
translate it to all langauages the site supports.

The "Watchdog log level" setting lets you specify how much to log.
The setting "All" will make a log record of every notification mail
sent.  The setting "Failures+Summary" will only log failed
notification attempts. It will also insert a summary of how many sent
and how many failures at the end of each batch.  The "Failures"
setting will omit the summary.  The "Nothing" setting will turn off
logging for Notify.

The "Weight of notification field in user registration form" setting
lets you specify the weight that determines the position of the
notification field group when it appears in the user registration
form.  The number is relative to the row weights that can be inspected
on Administer » Configuration » People » Account settings.  Pick a
higher (heavier) weight to make the field group positoned below a
specific field, and vice versa.


The Queue tab gives access to notification queue operatons and the
notification queue status panel.

The radio buttons below the heading "Notification queue operations"
has the following meanings:

 - Send batch now: Force sending a notification batch without waiting
   for the next cron run.  Note that if the number of notifications
   queue exceeds the maximum number of users to process out per cron
   run, only the maximum number of users are processed.  The rest will
   be queued for the next cron run or the next manual send batch
   (whatever happens first).

 - Truncate queue: Truncate the queue of pending notifications without
   sending out any notifications.

 - Override timestamp: Change the value of the last notification
   timestamp.  To resend postings that has already been sent, set pick
   a value before the oldest posting you want to resend.

The text field "Last notification timestamp" can be used to override
the value of the last notification timestamp.  This value is only used
to override of the operation "Override timestamp" is selected.

The status panel at the bottom of the page gives the administrator a
rough overview of the current state of the notification queue, as well
as the Default MailSystem. The main use of the status panel is to
provide information useful for debugging.

Skip flags

The Skip flags tab will show a list of all the postings that are
candidates for being sent in the next notification.  Each has a
checkbox that can be checked to exclude the posting from all
notification emails, including the one sent to the administrator.


The checkbox under "Notification default for new users" is used as the
default value for the notification master switch on the new user
registration.  Note that this setting has no effect unless you grant
the anonymous user the right to access notify.

The "Initial settings panel" let you set up the initial settings that
will apply to new users registering, and to users that are enrolled in
notifications with batch subscription. These settings have no effect
on users that already have the master switch set to "Enabled".

The final panel under the Settings tab let you set up notification
subscriptions by node type.  Having nothing checked defaults to making
all content types available for subscription.


The Users tab is to review and alter per-user settings for those users
that have the master switch for notifications set to "Enabled".

If you tick the box "Subscribe all users", all non-blocked users that
do not already subscribe to notifications will be subscribed with the
initial settings set under the default tab.

User's settings

To manage your own notification preferences, click on the
"Notification settings" tab on your "My account" page.

The "Master switch" overrides all other settings for Notify. You can
use it to suspend notifications without having to disturb any of your
settings under "Detailed settings" and "Subscriptions".

The "Detailed settings" determine what is included in each
notification.  You can turn on or off notification of new content and
new comments, and specify how much of the original content to include
in the notification email.

The "Subscriptions" panel allow each user to manage individual
notifications by content type.

Note that for users with the permission "administer notify queue", it
is possible to subscribe to content types that is not generally
available for subscription.  This allows administrators to monitor all
new content on the site, without making it subscribable for


* If Notify does not send out any notification emails, first check
  that Drupal can send email otherwise (e.g. request a password reset
  email).  If this does not work, the problem is with your site's
  email configuration, not Notify.

* If inbound links in the notification e-mail is rendered as
  http://default, you may need to set the $base_url in your
  settings.php file. Examples for how to do this are provided in

* If your site is multilingual, and your problem is that Notify is not
  sending all notifications to all subscribed users, the first thing
  to try is to visit the multilingual settings and turn off any
  language filter (i.e. set Notify to notify about "All contents").
  If changing this setting makes a difference, you need to review your
  multiligual settings for nodes, users and Notify and make sure that
  they match.

* If Notify makes the site crash, and you have the core PHP Filter
  module enabled, nodes which include bad PHP code will break your
  site when they're processed by Notify. Please see the following
  issue for further details: If
  this happens, you may try to disable the PHP Filter module.

If the above does not help you, to file bug reports, use the issue
queue linked to from the Notify project page.


The test suite is removed in this release for help with debugging.


See the pages:
for overviews of modules providing similar functionality.


Kjartan Mannes is the original author.
Rob Barreca was a previous maintainer.
Matt Chapman is the current project owner.
Gisle Hannemyr maintains the Drupal 7 branch.
Ilcho Vuchkov  maintains the Drupal 8/9 branch.

Marton Bodonyi, Mark Lindsey, John Oltman, Ward Poelmans, Ishmael
Sanchez, and Ajit Shinde contributed to the Drupal 7 port.
Vincent Rommelaars <> contributed to the Drupal 8


View source
  2. =================
  4. ---------------------
  5. * Introduction
  6. * Requirements
  7. * Recommended modules
  8. * Installation
  9. * Permissions
  10. * Configuration
  11. - Administration form
  12. - User's settings
  13. * Troubleshooting
  14. * Testing
  15. * Related projects & alternatives
  16. * Maintainers
  18. ------------
  19. Notify is a simple, lightweight module for sending e-mail
  20. notifications about new content and comments posted on a Drupal web
  21. site.
  22. * For a full description of the module, visit the project page:
  24. * For more documentation about its use, visit the documentation page:
  26. * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:
  28. If you enable node revisions (, the
  29. notification e-mail will also mention the name of the last person to
  30. edit the node.
  32. ------------
  33. This module requires a supported version of Drupal and cron to be
  34. running.
  36. -------------------
  37. * Advanced help hint (
  38. Will link standard help text to online help and advanced help.
  39. * Advanced help (
  40. When this module is enabled the administrator will have access to
  41. more extensive help.
  43. ------------
  44. 1. Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal
  45. module. See: Installing modules
  46. (
  47. for further information.
  48. 2. Check if you need to run the update script by visting the Status
  49. Report.
  50. 3. Modify permissions on the People » Permissions page.
  51. To adminster the notify general settings, default settings and
  52. users grant the permission "administer notify".
  53. To adminster the queue (flush, truncate and skip flags), grant the
  54. permission "administer notify queue".
  55. To set the notification checkbox default on new user registration
  56. form, or let new users opt in for notifications during
  57. registration, you must grant the anonymous user the right to
  58. "access notify". To allow users to control their own notification
  59. settings (recommended) you must also grant authenticated users the
  60. right to "access notify".
  61. 4. Configure the other general notification settings.
  62. See the "Administration form" section below for details.
  63. Notify will not automatically subscribe anyone to notifications upon
  64. installation. Before anyone is subscribed, no notifications will be
  65. sent.
  67. -----------
  68. To set up permissions for Notify navigate to: Administration » People
  69. » Permissions.
  70. There are four permissions:
  71. 1. access notify: to subscribe to and receive notifications when there is new content
  72. 2. administer notify: to administer general notify settings, default settings, and users
  73. 3. administer notify queue: to administer the notify queue operations
  74. 4. administer notify skip flags: to administer the notify skip flags
  76. -------------
  77. Administration form
  78. -------------------
  79. The administrative interface is at: Administration » Configuration »
  80. People » Notification settings.
  81. There are five tabs:
  82. 1. Settings: All the main options for this module.
  83. 2. Queue: Operations on the notification queue.
  84. 3. Skip flags: Inspect the notification queue and flag postings to skip.
  85. 4. Defaults: Default settings for new users.
  86. 5. Users: Review and alter per-user settings.
  87. Settings
  88. The Settings tab allow you to configure how the module shall work.
  89. You can specify how often notifications are sent, the hour to send
  90. them (if the frequency is one day or greater), the number of failed
  91. sends after which notifications are disabled, and the maximum number
  92. of users to process out per cron run.
  93. When setting how often notifications are sent, note that e-mail
  94. updates can only happen as frequently as the cron is set to run.
  95. To reset the count of failed sends to zero, look at the notification
  96. settings in the user's profile and save it by pressing "Save settings"
  97. (there is no need to change anything).
  98. If you check "Include updated posts in notifications", any change to a
  99. node or content will cause it to be included in the next notification.
  100. Note that even minor changes, such as correcting a trivial typo or
  101. setting or unsetting the "sticky" attribute for the node will flag it
  102. as updated, so use this option with caution, or in combination with
  103. skip flags (see below) in order to avoid excess notificatons.
  104. If you check "Exclude contents from unverified authors from user
  105. notifications", notify will not notify about postings from unverified
  106. (i.e. anonymous) authors. You need only care about this setting if
  107. you permit postings from anonymous authors. Even if you have spam
  108. protection in the shape of CAPTCHA or other measures, you may
  109. experience that some spammers still manage to post contents on your
  110. site. By checking this setting, you will at least save your
  111. subscribers from being notified about spam. As with most of these
  112. settings, it doesn't apply to administrators. Even when checked
  113. administrators will be notified, in order to intervene and delete the
  114. spam before it gets much exposure. Note that if you check this
  115. setting, there is currently no way to keep track of the content that
  116. is excluded due this setting. If you use it, your users will never
  117. receive any notification email about new content from unverified
  118. authors. That's not a bug, it is a feature.
  119. If you check "Administrators shall be notified about unpublished
  120. content", users belonging to roles with the "administer nodes" and
  121. "administer comments" permissions granted will receive notifications
  122. about unpublished content. This is mainly to make the module useful
  123. to manage moderation queues.
  124. If you've set up a multilingual site, there should also be three radio
  125. buttons that allow you to filter notifications about new nodes against
  126. the user's language setting (it may be set by editing the user
  127. profile). The first setting ("All contents") will notify a user about
  128. all new content on the site. If a piece of subscribed contents exists
  129. in more than one language, all versions will be notified about. The
  130. setting "Contents in the user's preferred language + contents not yet
  131. translated" will notify about content in the user's preferred language
  132. and also about content that is in some other language if no
  133. translation of it exists. The last setting, "Only contents in the
  134. user's preferred language", will only notify about subscribed contents
  135. in the user's preferred language. However, please note that
  136. subscribed contents that are marked as "language neutral" will always
  137. be included in notifications. The multilingual settings do not apply
  138. to administrators. Administrators will always be notified about all
  139. new contents. Note that if you use the second setting, contents that
  140. is not in the user's preferred language will be excluded from the
  141. notification if some translation of exists, even if that translation
  142. is not to the user's preferred language. To avoid this having
  143. unexpected effects, when you provide translation of a node, you should
  144. translate it to all langauages the site supports.
  145. The "Watchdog log level" setting lets you specify how much to log.
  146. The setting "All" will make a log record of every notification mail
  147. sent. The setting "Failures+Summary" will only log failed
  148. notification attempts. It will also insert a summary of how many sent
  149. and how many failures at the end of each batch. The "Failures"
  150. setting will omit the summary. The "Nothing" setting will turn off
  151. logging for Notify.
  152. The "Weight of notification field in user registration form" setting
  153. lets you specify the weight that determines the position of the
  154. notification field group when it appears in the user registration
  155. form. The number is relative to the row weights that can be inspected
  156. on Administer » Configuration » People » Account settings. Pick a
  157. higher (heavier) weight to make the field group positoned below a
  158. specific field, and vice versa.
  159. Queue
  160. The Queue tab gives access to notification queue operatons and the
  161. notification queue status panel.
  162. The radio buttons below the heading "Notification queue operations"
  163. has the following meanings:
  164. - Send batch now: Force sending a notification batch without waiting
  165. for the next cron run. Note that if the number of notifications
  166. queue exceeds the maximum number of users to process out per cron
  167. run, only the maximum number of users are processed. The rest will
  168. be queued for the next cron run or the next manual send batch
  169. (whatever happens first).
  170. - Truncate queue: Truncate the queue of pending notifications without
  171. sending out any notifications.
  172. - Override timestamp: Change the value of the last notification
  173. timestamp. To resend postings that has already been sent, set pick
  174. a value before the oldest posting you want to resend.
  175. The text field "Last notification timestamp" can be used to override
  176. the value of the last notification timestamp. This value is only used
  177. to override of the operation "Override timestamp" is selected.
  178. The status panel at the bottom of the page gives the administrator a
  179. rough overview of the current state of the notification queue, as well
  180. as the Default MailSystem. The main use of the status panel is to
  181. provide information useful for debugging.
  182. Skip flags
  183. The Skip flags tab will show a list of all the postings that are
  184. candidates for being sent in the next notification. Each has a
  185. checkbox that can be checked to exclude the posting from all
  186. notification emails, including the one sent to the administrator.
  187. Defaults
  188. The checkbox under "Notification default for new users" is used as the
  189. default value for the notification master switch on the new user
  190. registration. Note that this setting has no effect unless you grant
  191. the anonymous user the right to access notify.
  192. The "Initial settings panel" let you set up the initial settings that
  193. will apply to new users registering, and to users that are enrolled in
  194. notifications with batch subscription. These settings have no effect
  195. on users that already have the master switch set to "Enabled".
  196. The final panel under the Settings tab let you set up notification
  197. subscriptions by node type. Having nothing checked defaults to making
  198. all content types available for subscription.
  199. Users
  200. The Users tab is to review and alter per-user settings for those users
  201. that have the master switch for notifications set to "Enabled".
  202. If you tick the box "Subscribe all users", all non-blocked users that
  203. do not already subscribe to notifications will be subscribed with the
  204. initial settings set under the default tab.
  205. User's settings
  206. ---------------
  207. To manage your own notification preferences, click on the
  208. "Notification settings" tab on your "My account" page.
  209. The "Master switch" overrides all other settings for Notify. You can
  210. use it to suspend notifications without having to disturb any of your
  211. settings under "Detailed settings" and "Subscriptions".
  212. The "Detailed settings" determine what is included in each
  213. notification. You can turn on or off notification of new content and
  214. new comments, and specify how much of the original content to include
  215. in the notification email.
  216. The "Subscriptions" panel allow each user to manage individual
  217. notifications by content type.
  218. Note that for users with the permission "administer notify queue", it
  219. is possible to subscribe to content types that is not generally
  220. available for subscription. This allows administrators to monitor all
  221. new content on the site, without making it subscribable for
  222. non-administrators.
  224. ---------------
  225. * If Notify does not send out any notification emails, first check
  226. that Drupal can send email otherwise (e.g. request a password reset
  227. email). If this does not work, the problem is with your site's
  228. email configuration, not Notify.
  229. * If inbound links in the notification e-mail is rendered as
  230. http://default, you may need to set the $base_url in your
  231. settings.php file. Examples for how to do this are provided in
  232. settings.php.
  233. * If your site is multilingual, and your problem is that Notify is not
  234. sending all notifications to all subscribed users, the first thing
  235. to try is to visit the multilingual settings and turn off any
  236. language filter (i.e. set Notify to notify about "All contents").
  237. If changing this setting makes a difference, you need to review your
  238. multiligual settings for nodes, users and Notify and make sure that
  239. they match.
  240. * If Notify makes the site crash, and you have the core PHP Filter
  241. module enabled, nodes which include bad PHP code will break your
  242. site when they're processed by Notify. Please see the following
  243. issue for further details: If
  244. this happens, you may try to disable the PHP Filter module.
  245. If the above does not help you, to file bug reports, use the issue
  246. queue linked to from the Notify project page.
  247. TESTING
  248. -------
  249. The test suite is removed in this release for help with debugging.
  251. -------------------------------
  252. See the pages:
  253. -
  254. -
  255. for overviews of modules providing similar functionality.
  257. ----------------------------
  258. Kjartan Mannes is the original author.
  259. Rob Barreca was a previous maintainer.
  260. Matt Chapman is the current project owner.
  261. Gisle Hannemyr maintains the Drupal 7 branch.
  262. Ilcho Vuchkov maintains the Drupal 8/9 branch.
  263. Marton Bodonyi, Mark Lindsey, John Oltman, Ward Poelmans, Ishmael
  264. Sanchez, and Ajit Shinde contributed to the Drupal 7 port.
  265. Vincent Rommelaars contributed to the Drupal 8
  266. port.