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function notifications_content_notifications_object_user in Notifications 6.4

Implementation of hook_notifications_object_user()


notifications_content/notifications_content.module, line 443
Subscriptions to content events


function notifications_content_notifications_object_user($op, $user, $account = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'conditions':

      // Condition fields for subscriptions to this object type (user)
      return array(
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'author' => $user->uid,
    case 'subscriptions':

      // Option subscriptions to user account. Checking permissions here will save some processing.
      $options = array();

      // All posts by author
      if (!$account || user_access('subscribe to author', $account)) {
        $options[] = array(
          'name' => t('All posts by @name', array(
            '@name' => $user->name,
          'type' => 'author',
          'fields' => array(
            'author' => $user->uid,

      // Content types with author subscriptions
      if (!$account || user_access('subscribe to content type and author', $account)) {
        foreach (notifications_content_types('typeauthor') as $type => $type_name) {
          $options[] = array(
            'name' => t('@type posts by @name', array(
              '@name' => $user->name,
              '@type' => $type_name,
            'type' => 'typeauthor',
            'fields' => array(
              'author' => $author->uid,
              'type' => $type,
      return $options;