15 calls to notifications_info() in Notifications 7
- notifications_admin_events_form in ./
notifications.admin.inc - Event configuration administration
- notifications_build_method in ./
notifications.module - Information about digesting method for a send interval.
- notifications_content_test_template_form in notifications_content/
notifications_content.admin.inc - Template testing form
- notifications_event_type in ./
notifications.module - Get information about event types. Invoking this function will also load the event API
- Notifications_Field::type_info in ./
notifications.field.inc - Get field type information
- notifications_field_type in ./
notifications.module - Get information about subscriptions fields
- Notifications_Object::type_info in ./
notifications.object.inc - Get object type information
- notifications_object_type in ./
notifications.module - Get info about object types
- notifications_scheduler_action_info in notifications_scheduler/
notifications_scheduler.module - Implementation of hook_action_info()
- notifications_scheduler_admin_form in notifications_scheduler/
notifications_scheduler.admin.inc - Event configuration administration
- notifications_scheduler_default_action_form in notifications_scheduler/
notifications_scheduler.module - Action: Configuration form
- notifications_subscription_type in ./
notifications.module - Get info about subscription types
- notifications_template in ./
notifications.module - Create notifications template object
- notifications_template_info in ./
notifications.module - Get info about templates
- notifications_ui_settings_form in notifications_ui/
notifications_ui.admin.inc - Site-wide settings form.