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function notifications_manage_subscriptions_operations in Notifications 7

Subscription mass operations.


$account: User account if we are administering subscriptions for this user

2 calls to notifications_manage_subscriptions_operations()
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_options in ./
Form options
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_submit in ./
Handle manage form submissions, run batch operations


./, line 238
Common functions for bulk management of subscriptions


function notifications_manage_subscriptions_operations($account = NULL) {
  $operations = array(
    'activate' => array(
      'label' => t('Activate'),
      'callback' => 'notifications_manage_subscriptions_mass_update',
      'callback arguments' => array(
        'updates' => array(
          'status' => Notifications_Subscription::STATUS_ACTIVE,
    'deactivate' => array(
      'label' => t('Deactivate'),
      'callback' => 'notifications_manage_subscriptions_mass_update',
      'callback arguments' => array(
        'updates' => array(
          'status' => Notifications_Subscription::STATUS_INACTIVE,
    'delete' => array(
      'label' => t('Delete'),
      'callback' => NULL,

  // Block option only for administrators
  if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) {
    $operations['block'] = array(
      'label' => t('Block'),
      'callback' => 'notifications_manage_subscriptions_mass_update',
      'callback arguments' => array(
        'updates' => array(
          'status' => Notifications_Subscription::STATUS_BLOCKED,

  // Sending methods, not for destination
  if (!empty($account->mdid)) {
    $parent = t('Change send method to');
    foreach (_notifications_send_methods($account) as $key => $name) {
      $operations['send_method-' . $key] = array(
        'label' => $name,
        'parent' => $parent,
        'callback' => 'notifications_manage_subscriptions_mass_update',
        'callback arguments' => array(
          'updates' => array(
            'send_method' => $key,
  $parent = t('Change send interval to');
  foreach (notifications_send_intervals() as $key => $name) {
    $operations['send_interval-' . $key] = array(
      'label' => $name,
      'parent' => $parent,
      'callback' => 'notifications_manage_subscriptions_mass_update',
      'callback arguments' => array(
        'updates' => array(
          'send_interval' => $key,

  // Intervals
  return $operations;