function _notifications_update_fix_destinations in Notifications 6.4
Helper function. Fix subscription destinations
2 calls to _notifications_update_fix_destinations()
- notifications_update_6007 in ./
notifications.install - Create the destinations we need.
- notifications_update_6016 in ./
notifications.install - Update destination fields
- ./
notifications.install, line 559
function _notifications_update_fix_destinations($op) {
$ret = array();
$methods = $addresses = array();
foreach (messaging_method_info() as $method => $info) {
$type = isset($info['address_type']) ? $info['address_type'] : $info['group'];
// Best guess, will work for most cases
$type_method[$type][] = $method;
$method_type[$method] = $type;
if ($op == 'create') {
// First, fill in destination table with each address type
foreach ($type_method as $type => $methods) {
$ret[] = update_sql("INSERT INTO {messaging_destination} (uid, type, address) SELECT DISTINCT uid, '{$type}', destination FROM {notifications} WHERE send_method IN ('" . implode("','", $methods) . "')");
elseif ($op == 'update') {
// This should update notifications table with the new destinations created
foreach ($method_type as $method => $type) {
// First, registered users, we can do a better matching
$ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {notifications} n INNER JOIN {messaging_destination} d ON n.uid = d.uid AND d.type = '{$type}' SET n.mdid = d.mdid WHERE n.uid > 0 AND n.send_method = '{$method}'");
// Then anonymous users, we can just match using destination field
$ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {notifications} n INNER JOIN {messaging_destination} d ON d.uid = 0 AND d.type = '{$type}' AND n.destination = d.address SET n.mdid = d.mdid WHERE n.uid = 0 AND n.send_method = '{$method}'");
// Mark to skip some updates
return $ret;