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function Notifications_Queue::process_prepare in Notifications 6.4

Prepare subscriptions queue

This is intended to avoid race conditions where new rows are added while the process is running

Return value

Max $sqid that will be processed this cron

3 calls to Notifications_Queue::process_prepare()
Notifications_Queue::process_cron in includes/
Callback for Drupal cron
Notifications_Queue::process_queue in includes/
Process subscriptions queue
Notifications_Queue::process_run in includes/
Function to be called on cron by the main notifications_cron


includes/, line 125


Queue management and processing


function process_prepare() {
  if (!isset($this->process_max_sqid)) {

    // This will get the latest notification in queue so we don't mess with new ones being created during cron run
    // It will also prevent clashes with the immediate sending feature
    $this->process_max_sqid = db_result(db_query("SELECT max(sqid) FROM {notifications_queue}"));
  return $this->process_max_sqid;