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function Notifications_Queue::process_control in Notifications 6.4

Controls and checks limits for queue processing It can be used by other modules to add their own limits here, like number of sms sent, etc...


$op: 'start' => Start the counters 'cron' => Special time adjustment for cron operations 'init' => Start a new counter with $value limit 'option' => Sets /gets options

  • debug
  • output Enables output for admin page

Return value

TRUE if we are yet under the processing limits

6 calls to Notifications_Queue::process_control()
Notifications_Queue::message_send in includes/
Message sending, pass the message to Messaging back end
Notifications_Queue::process_cron in includes/
Callback for Drupal cron
Notifications_Queue::process_prepare in includes/
Prepare subscriptions queue
Notifications_Queue::process_queue in includes/
Process subscriptions queue
Notifications_Queue::process_rows in includes/
Process rows given query conditions

... See full list


includes/, line 160


Queue management and processing


function process_control($op = 'check', $name = NULL, $value = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'start':
      $this->process_current = array(
        'message' => 0,
        'step' => 0,
        'timer' => 0,
        'row' => 0,
      $defaults = variable_get('notifications_process_limit', array(
        'time' => 0,
        'message' => 0,
        'row' => 0,
      foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
        if ($value && !isset($this->process_limit[$name])) {
          $this->process_limit[$name] = $value;
    case 'stop':
      $timer = timer_stop('notifications_process');
      $this->process_current['timer'] = $timer['time'];
      return $timer;
    case 'cron':

      // Calculate time limit. We get the smaller of all these times in seconds
      // There's an issue with poormanscron not setting the cron semaphore so it will default to current time
      $timelimit = array();
      $cronstart = variable_get('cron_semaphore', time());

      // Max execution time may be zero meaning no limit, then no limits based on this
      if ($maxtime = ini_get('max_execution_time')) {
        $timelimit[] = $cronstart + $maxtime - NOTIFICATIONS_TIME_MARGIN;
        if (!empty($this->process_limit['percent'])) {
          $timelimit[] = time() + $maxtime * $this->process_limit['percent'] / 100;

      // This is an absolute limit, applies always if set
      if (!empty($this->process_limit['time'])) {
        $timelimit[] = time() + $this->process_limit['time'];
      if ($timelimit) {
        $this->process_limit['time'] = min($timelimit);
    case 'init':
      $this->process_current[$name] = 0;
      $this->process_limit[$name] = $value;
    case 'current':

      // Return current value for counter
      return isset($this->process_current[$name]) ? $this->process_current[$name] : 0;
    case 'count':
      $value = $value ? $value : 1;
      isset($this->process_current[$name]) ? $this->process_current[$name] += $value : ($this->process_current[$name] = $value);
    case 'check':

      // Check all limits till we find a false one
      $this->process_current['time'] = time();
      if (isset($this->process_limit)) {
        foreach ($this->process_limit as $name => $value) {
          if ($value && !empty($this->process_current[$name]) && $this->process_current[$name] >= $value) {
            watchdog('notifications', 'Reached processing limit on queue processing: %name = %value', array(
              '%name' => $name,
              '%value' => $value,
            return FALSE;
      return TRUE;
    case 'results':

      // Return array of variables needed to print out some messages
      return array(
        '@rows' => $this->process_current['row'],
        '@messages' => $this->process_current['message'],
        '@time' => $this->process_current['timer'],